
Japan Paleobiology Database

Yabe, Hisakatsu : Publication List

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FUJIMOTO, H. AND YABE, Y. 1955: On Entomonotis found from the Higashimatazawa Formation in the Upstream of the Tone River. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.64, no.3, pp.103-104.
地学雑誌, vol.64, no.3, pp.103-104.

HATAI, K., OMORI, M., AOKI, S., SATO, T., UJIIE, H., YABE, Y., IGO, H. AND KOMATSU, N. 1955: A Preliminary Note on some Sedimentary Structures observed in the Cenozoic Rocks of Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Section C, Geology, Mineralogy and Geography, nos.33-40, pp.185-208.

YABE, H. 1902: Note on three Upper Cretaceous ammonites from Japan, outside of Hokkaido. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.9, no.100, pp.1-7, pl.1.
矢部 長克 1902:地質学雑誌, vol.9, no.100, pp.1-7, pl.1.


YABE, H. 1903: On a Fusulina-limestone with Helicoprion in Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.10, no.113, pp.1-13, pl.2.
矢部 長克 1903:地質学雑誌, vol.10, no.113, pp.1-13, pl.2.


YABE, H. 1903: Cretaceous Cephalopoda from the Hokkaido. Part 1. Lytoceras, Gaudryceras and Tetragonites. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.18, art. 2, pp.1-55, pls.1-7.
矢部 長克 1903:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.18, art. 2, pp.1-55, pls.1-7.


YABE, H. 1904: Cretaceous Cephalopoda from the Hokkaido. Part 2. Turrilites, Helicoceras, Heteroceras, Nipponites, Olcostephanus, Desmoceras, Hauericeras, and an undetermined genus. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.20, art. 2, pp.1-45, pls.1-6.
矢部 長克 1904:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.20, art. 2, pp.1-45, pls.1-6.


YABE, H. 1905: Mesozoic plants from Korea. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.20, art. 8, pp.1-59, pls.1-4.
矢部 長克 1905:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.20, art. 8, pp.1-59, pls.1-4.


YABE, H. 1906: Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.13, no.156, pp.317-320.
矢部 長克 1906:中小坂及川口湖畔久保井のオルビトイデス石灰岩に付て.地質学雑誌, vol.13, no.156, pp.317-320.


YABE, H. 1908: On the occurrence of the genus Gigantopteris in Korea. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.23, art. 9, pp.1-8, pl.1.
矢部 長克 1908:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.23, art. 9, pp.1-8, pl.1.


YABE, H. 1909: Zur Stratigraphie und Palaontologie der oberen Kreide von Hokkaido und Sachalin. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 61, pp.402-444.
矢部 長克 1909:

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YABE, H. 1910: Die Scaphiten aus der Oberkreide von Hokkaido. Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients, Bd. 23, pp.159-174, pl.15.
矢部 長克 1910:

YABE, H. 1922: Notes on Some Mesozoic Plants from Japan, Korea and China, in the Collection of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology of the Tohoku Imperial University. 1. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.7, no.1, pp.1-28, pls.1-4.
矢部 長克 1922:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.7, no.1, pp.1-28, pls.1-4.


YABE, H. 1927: Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Japanese islands. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.11, no.1, pp.27-100, pls.3-9.
矢部 長克 1927:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.11, no.1, pp.27-100, pls.3-9.


YABE, H. 1932: Brachiopods of the genus Pictothyris Thomson, 1927. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.15, no.3, pp.193-197, pl.13.
矢部 長克 1932:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.15, no.3, pp.193-197, pl.13.


YABE, H. 1941: On Some Brachiopoda from Kagosima-ken, Kyusyu. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.48, no.577, pp.491-495.
矢部 長克; 1941:九州鹿児島県の腕足類に就て.地質学雑誌, vol.48, no.577, pp.491-495.


YABE, H. 1941: On Some Simple Corals from the Neogene of Java. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.17, no.7.
矢部 長克 1941:帝国学士院紀事, vol.17, no.7.

YABE, H. 1941: Cebuphylia chitanii, gen. et sp. nov., a New Fossil Astreoporoid Coral from Cebu, Philippine Islands. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.17, no.9.
矢部 長克 1941:帝国学士院紀事, vol.17, no.9.

YABE, H. 1941: Discovery of Circoporella semiclathrata HAYASAKA from Hokkaido. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.48, no.568.
矢部 長克 1941:北海道に於けるCircoporella semiclathrata HAYASAKAの發見.地質学雑誌, vol.48, no.568.

YABE, H. 1941: On Some Fossil Mollusca from Kagosima-Ken, Kyusyu. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.49, no.577.
矢部 長克 1941:地質学雑誌, vol.49, no.577.

YABE, H. 1942: Batostomella (Geinitzella) from South China and Manchuria. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.18, no.7, pp.406-414.
矢部 長克; 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.18, no.7, pp.406-414.


YABE, H. 1942: A New Occurrence of Fossiliferous Gotlandian Limestone on Yokokura-yams, Ogiri-mura, Takaoka-gun, Koti-Ken. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.18, no.2.
矢部 長克 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.18, no.2.

YABE, H. 1942: Notes on Anisocoenia REUSS and Favoidea REUSS. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.18, no.4.
矢部 長克 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.18, no.4.

YABE, H. 1942: A Lower Devonian Faunule from North Manchuria. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.19, no.8.
矢部 長克 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.19, no.8.

YABE, H. 1942: Saccamminopsis Limestone. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.18, no.10.
矢部 長克 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.18, no.10.

YABE, H. 1942: Fossil and Recent Flabellum from Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.22, no.2.
矢部 長克 1942:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.22, no.2.

YABE, H. 1942: Coral-reef Problem. Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku Imperial University, no.39.
矢部 長克 1942:珊瑚礁問題.東北帝国大学理学部地質学古生物学教室研究邦文報告, no.39.

YABE, H. 1943: A Perisphinctoid Ammonite, an Ally of Paraboliceras, Found in the Torinosu Series of Zusahara, Soma-gun, in the Abukuma Mountainland. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.19, no.9.
矢部 長克 1943:帝国学士院紀事, vol.19, no.9.

YABE, H. 1944: Palaeogene Age of the Coal Formation of the Ube Coal-field, Yamaguti Prefecture. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.20, no.10.
矢部 長克 1944:帝国学士院紀事, vol.20, no.10.

YABE, H. 1944: Sugiyamaella carbonarium YABE et MINATO, gen. u. sp. nov. aus den unterkarbonischen Ablagerungen des Kitakame-Gebirges. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.19, nos.1-4.
矢部 長克 1944:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.19, nos.1-4.

YABE, H. 1944: Eine neue Art von Wentzelella aus dem Japanischen Perm. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.19, nos.1-4.
矢部 長克 1944:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.19, nos.1-4.

YABE, H. 1945: Spongophyllum from the Middle Gotlandian Limestone of Erhtaokou near Kiturin, Mansyu. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.21, no.9.
矢部 長克 1945:

YABE, H. 1945: On the Occurrence of Polythecalis from the Permian of Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.21, no.10.
矢部 長克 1945:

YABE, H. 1946: Geological Age of the Yosida-mura, Shell-beds of Kagosima-Ken, Kyfisha, I. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.22, no.3.
矢部 長克 1946:

YABE, H. 1948: Stratigraphical Position of the Kokozura Sandstone. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.24, no.8.
矢部 長克 1948:

YABE, H. 1948: Neoschwagerininae DUNBAR and CONDRA. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.24, no.9.
矢部 長克 1948:

YABE, H. 1949: A New Fossil Dasycladaceae from the Lower Permian of China. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.25, no.2.
矢部 長克 1949:

YABE, H. 1949: The Taga Beds of the Zyoban Coal-field. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.25, no.8.
矢部 長克 1949:

YABE, H. 1949: The Tozenzi Sandstone. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.25, no.10.
矢部 長克 1949:

YABE, H. 1949: A New Triassic Ammonite from Yanaizu, North of Inai near Isinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.25, no.11.
矢部 長克 1949:

YABE, H. 1950: Pseudofossils from Fengning-hsien, Jeho, similar to "Sewardiella verrucana FUCINI" from Mt. Pisani. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.26, no.6.
矢部 長克 1950:

YABE, H. 1950: Taonurus from the Lower Permian of the Western Hills of Taiyuan, Shansi, China. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.26, no.8.
矢部 長克 1950:

YABE, H. 1950: Coontroversies relating to the Kuzi Proboscidean Molars. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.26, no.3.
矢部 長克 1950:

YABE, H. 1950: Three Alleged Occurrence of Stegolophodon Latidens (CRIFT) in Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.26, no.9.
矢部 長克 1950:

YABE, H. 1951: A New Type of Lower Permian Tetracoralla, Pseudoyatsengia, nov.. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.27, no.5, pp.200-204.
矢部 長克 1951:

YABE, H. 1951: Stratigraphical Relation of the Poronai and Isikari Groups in the Isikari Coal-field, Hokkaido. (Contributions to the Geology of the Isikari Coal-field. I). Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.27, no.9, pp.571-576.
矢部 長克 1951:

YABE, H. 1951: Palaeo-Tokyo Bay. Natural Science and Museums, vol.18, nos.5-6, pp.142-146.
矢部 長克 1951:自然科学と博物館, vol.18, nos.5-6, pp.142-146.

YABE, H. 1955: The Second Discovery of Graphularia-like Bodies, from the Tertiary of Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.31, no.5, pp.288-293.
矢部 長克 1955:

YABE, H. 1955: Post-Poronai and Pre-Kawabata Crustal Deformation in Isikari Coal-field. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.31, no.6, pp.352-354.
矢部 長克 1955:

YABE, H. 1955: A Problem to the Students of Smaller Foraminifera. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.4, pp.1-2.
矢部 長克 1955:有孔虫, no.4, pp.1-2.

YABE, H. 1956: Stratigraphical Position of Eostegodon pseudolatidens YABE and Desmostylus japonicus TOKUNAGA and IWASAKI, I.. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.32, no.4, pp.270-275.
矢部 長克 1956:

YABE, H. 1958: Carboniferous-Permian Boundary in Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.34, no.3, pp.150-152.
矢部 長克 1958:

YABE, H. 1958: Peculiar Geographical Distribution of the Onimaru and Akiyosi Coral Faunas in the Japanese Carboniferous. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.34, no.3, pp.153-158.
矢部 長克 1958:

YABE, H. 1958: Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.34, no.4, pp.212-216.
矢部 長克 1958:

YABE, H. 1958: Thick Limestones of the Upper Carboniferous-Permian Age in Japan; An Interpretation of their Mode of Deposition. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.34, no.4, pp.217-219.
矢部 長克 1958:

YABE, H. 1958: Major Divisions of the Carboniferous in Japan, I. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.34, no.5, pp.274-279.
矢部 長克 1958:

YABE, H. 1958: Major Divisions of the Carboniferous in Japan, II. Middle Titibu Limestone Facies. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.34, no.6, pp.367-372.
矢部 長克 1958:

YABE, H. 1958: Some Problems on Geologic Structure of the Akiyosi Plateau. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.9, pp.1-9.
矢部 長克 1958:有孔虫, no.9, pp.1-9.

YABE, H. 1958: Boundary between Triassic and Carboniferous and Geologic Horizon of the Triticites Zone in Japan. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.9, pp.40-43.
矢部 長克 1958:有孔虫, no.9, pp.40-43.

YABE, H. 1959: The Median Dislocation Line of South-west Japan, Reconsidered. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.35, no.7, pp.384-387.
矢部 長克 1959:

YABE, H. 1963: Permian-Triassic boundary in the Japanese Islands, I Kyushu. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.72, no.6, pp.265-268.
矢部 長克 1963:本邦における二畳系・三畳系境界の問題,1.九州.地学雑誌, vol.72, no.6, pp.265-268.

YABE, H. 1964: Lepidolina problem. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.40, no.3, pp.214-219.
矢部 長克 1964:

YABE, H. 1964: Problems on the genus Lepidolina (Part 1). Fossils (Kaseki), no.8, pp.134-139.
矢部 長克 1964:レピドリナ (Lepidolina) の問題前編.化石, no.8, pp.134-139.

YABE, H. 1964: Permian-Triassic boundary in the Japanese Islands. II. Kitakami Mountainland. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.73, no.4, pp.191-197.
矢部 長克 1964:本邦における二畳系三畳系境界の問題II.北上山地.地学雑誌, vol.73, no.4, pp.191-197.

YABE, H. 1965: Problems on the genus Lepidolina (Part 2). Fossils (Kaseki), no.9, pp.36-55.
矢部 長克 1965:レピドリナ (Lepidolina) の問題,後編.化石, no.9, pp.36-55.

YABE, H. 1966: Lepidolina problem. Supplementary notes. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.42, no.2, pp.141-145.
矢部 長克 1966:

YABE, H. 1966: Lepidolina problem. Final remarks. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.42, no.6, pp.636-639.
矢部 長克 1966:

YABE, H. 1966: Problems on the genus Lepidolina (Supplement). Fossils (Kaseki), no.12, pp.47-55.
矢部 長克 1966:レピドリナ (Lepidolina) 問題補遺.化石, no.12, pp.47-55.

YABE, H. AND ASANO, A. K. 1937: New Occurrence of Rotaliatina in the Pliocene of Java. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.44, no.523, pp.326-328.
矢部 長克・浅野 清 1937:Rotaliatinaの新産地.地質学雑誌, vol.44, no.523, pp.326-328.


YABE, H. AND ASANO, K. 1937: Contribution to the Palaeontology of the Tertiary formations of West Java. Part 1. Minute Foraminifera from the Neogene of West Java. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.19, no.1, pp.87-126, pls.17-19.
矢部 長克・浅野 清 1937:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.19, no.1, pp.87-126, pls.17-19.


YABE, H. AND ASANO, K. 1937: New Occurrence of Rotaliatina in the Pliocene of Java. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.7, pp.39-41.
矢部 長克・浅野 清 1937:Rotaliatinaの新産地.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.7, pp.39-41.

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YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1936: Eohydnophora, a New Genus of Cretaceous Corals. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.12, no.5, pp.141-143.
矢部 長克; 1936:帝国学士院紀事, vol.12, no.5, pp.141-143.


YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1941: Simple Corals from the Sumagui Formation, the Philippine Islands. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.17, no.6.
矢部 長克 1941:帝国学士院紀事, vol.17, no.6.

YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1941: Corals of Toyama Bay. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, vol.11, no.12.
矢部 長克 1941:日本生物地理学会会報, vol.11, no.12.

YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1942: Fossil and Recent Simple Corals from Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.22, no.2.
矢部 長克 1942:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.22, no.2.

YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1943: Note on the Two Hexacoralla, Goniocorella dumosa (ALCOCK) and Bantamia gerthi, gen. et sp. nov.. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.19, no.8.
矢部 長克 1943:帝国学士院紀事, vol.19, no.8.

YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1943: On a Limestone with Favosites from Er-tao-kou, West of Kirin, Manchuria. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.19, no.10.
矢部 長克 1943:帝国学士院紀事, vol.19, no.10.

YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1944: Note on a Fossil Dendrophyllia from the Miocene of the Tugaru District in Aomori-Ken. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1944, no.29, pp.17-19.
矢部 長克・江口 元起 1944:津軽地方中新統産化石Dendrophyllia.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1944, no.29, pp.17-19.


YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1944: Notes on the Upper Palaeozoic Coral-genera Cystiphorea and Arachnastraea, I. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.20, no.10.
矢部 長克 1944:帝国学士院紀事, vol.20, no.10.

YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1944: Note on a Fossil Dendrophyllia from the Miocene of the Tugaru District in Aomori-Ken. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.51, no.607.
矢部 長克 1944:地質学雑誌, vol.51, no.607.

YABE, H. AND EGUCHI, M. 1946: Generic Identity of Notocyathus TENISON-WOOD and Citharocyathus ALCOCK. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.22, no.1.
矢部 長克 1946:

YABE, H. AND ENDO, S. 1934: Strobilus of Schzolepis from the Lycoptera-Beds of Jehol. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.10, no.10, pp.658-660.
矢部 長克・遠藤 誠道 1934:帝国学士院紀事, vol.10, no.10, pp.658-660.


YABE, H. AND ENDO, S. 1935: Potamogeton Remains from the Lower Cretaceous ? Lycoptera Beds of Jehol. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.11, no.7, pp.274-276.
矢部 長克・遠藤 誠道 1935:帝国学士院紀事, vol.11, no.7, pp.274-276.


YABE, H. AND ET, A. 1951: Study of Desmostylus (the First Report). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.57, no.670, p.256.
矢部 長克 1951:地質学雑誌, vol.57, no.670, p.256.

YABE, H. AND ET, A. 1952: Study of Desmostylus (the Second Report). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.58, no.682, p.315.
矢部 長克 1952:地質学雑誌, vol.58, no.682, p.315.

YABE, H. AND HANZAWA, S. 1925: Nummulitic rocks of the islands of Amakusa (Kyushu, Japan). Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.7, no.3, pp.73-82, pls.18-22.
矢部 長克; 1925:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.7, no.3, pp.73-82, pls.18-22.


YABE, H. AND HANZAWA, S. 1926: Choffatella schlumberger, and Pseudocyclammina a new genus of arenaceous foraminifera. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.9, no.1, pp.9-11, pl.2.
矢部 長克; 1926:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.9, no.1, pp.9-11, pl.2.


YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. 1934: The Recent Brachiopod Fauna of Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.10, no.10, pp.661-664.
矢部 長克; 1934:帝国学士院紀事, vol.10, no.10, pp.661-664.


YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. 1934: The Recent Brachiopod Fauna of Japan. (1) New Genera and Subgenera. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.10, no.9, pp.586-589.
矢部 長克; 1934:帝国学士院紀事, vol.10, no.9, pp.586-589.


YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. 1936: The Recent Brachiopod Fauna of Japan. (3) Notes on thè Subfamily Laqueinae. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.12, no.2, pp.44-46.
矢部 長克; 1936:帝国学士院紀事, vol.12, no.2, pp.44-46.


YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. 1937: On the Stratigraphical Significance of Pecten naganumanus Yokoyama, and Its Bearing on the Japanese Neogene. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.9, pp.158-169.
矢部 長克・畑井 小虎 1937:Pecten naganumanus YOKOYAMAの層位関係と其の価値.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.9, pp.158-169.

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YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. 1941: A Supplementary Note on the Fossil Marine Fauna from Okinawa-zima, Ryukyu Island. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.48, no.576.
矢部 長克 1941:地質学雑誌, vol.48, no.576.

YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. 1942: Additional Fossils from the Simaziri Beds of Okinawazima, Ryukyu Island, Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.18, no.4.
矢部 長克 1942:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.18, no.4.

YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. 1946: Notes on Pictothyris hanzawai leticularis HAYASAKA and a New Sepcies of the Same Genus. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.22, no.4.
矢部 長克 1946:

YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. M. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Vicarya. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.19, no.2, pp.149-172, pl.21.
矢部 長克; 1938:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.19, no.2, pp.149-172, pl.21.


YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. M. 1941: A Supplementary Note on the Fossil Marine Fauna from Okinawa-zima, Ryukyu Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1941, no.22, pp.78-82.
矢部 長克・畑井 小虎 1941:琉球群島沖縄島の海成化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1941, no.22, pp.78-82.


YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. M. 1941: On Some Brachiopoda from Kagosima-ken, Kyusyu. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1941, no.22, pp.83-87.
矢部 長克・畑井 小虎 1941:九州鹿見島県の腕足類に就て.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1941, no.22, pp.83-87.


YABE, H. AND HATAI, K. M. 1941: On Some Fossil Mollusca from Kagosima-ken, Kyusyu. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1941, no.22, pp.88-91.
矢部 長克・畑井 小虎 1941:九州鹿児島県の化石貝類に就て.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1941, no.22, pp.88-91.


YABE, H. AND IJIRI, S. 1954: Die Entdeckung der versteinerten Arteria alveolaris mandibularis und Vena alveolaris mandibularis am 2M von Desmostylella typica NAGAO. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.30, no.9, pp.873-876.
矢部 長克 1954:

YABE, H. AND IJIRI, S. 1964: Geology and palaeontology in Japan. their past and recent progress. Science Journal (Kagaku), vol.34, no.11, pp.584-590.
矢部 長克; 1964:日本の地質学と古生物学.科学, vol.34, no.11, pp.584-590.

YABE, H., INAI, Y. AND SHIKAMA, T. 1940: Dinosaurian Footprints found near Yangshan, Chinchou, Manclloukuo. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1940, no.17, pp.27-28.
矢部 長克・稲井 豊・鹿間 時夫 1940:満洲国錦州省羊山より発見されたる中生代恐竜の足痕化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1940, no.17, pp.27-28.


YABE, H., INAI, Y. AND SHIKAMA, T. 1941: Discovery of Dinosaurian Footprints from the Cretaceous (?) of Yangshan, Chinchou. Preliminary Note. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.16, no.10, pp.560-563.
矢部 長克; 1941:帝国学士院紀事, vol.16, no.10, pp.560-563.


YABE, H. AND MINATO, M. 1944: Eine Aulina-Art aus der Mandschrei. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.19, nos.1-4, pp.147-150, pls.14-15.
矢部 長克・湊 正雄 1944:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.19, nos.1-4, pp.147-150, pls.14-15.

YABE, H. AND MINATO, M. 1944: Eine Verbeekiella Art aus dem Kitakami-Gebirges, Nordostlischen Honsyu, Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.20, no.3.
矢部 長克 1944:帝国学士院紀事, vol.20, no.3.

YABE, H. AND MINATO, M. 1944: Wentzelloides maiyaensis YABE et MINATO, gen et sp. nov. aus dem Perm des Sud-Kitakami-Gebirges. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.19, nos.1-4.
矢部 長克 1944:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.19, nos.1-4.

YABE, H. AND MINATO, M. 1945: A New Species of Wentzellella from the Permian Limestons near Iwai-zaki, Kitakami District, Northeast Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.21, no.10.
矢部 長克 1945:

YABE, H. AND NAGAO, T. 1925: New or little-known Cretaceous fossils from North Saghalin : Lamellibranchiata and Gastropoda. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.7, no.4, pp.111-124, pls.28-29.
矢部 長克・長尾 巧 1925:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.7, no.4, pp.111-124, pls.28-29.


YABE, H. AND NAGAO, T. 1928: Cretaceous fossils from Hokkaido : Annelida, Gastropoda and Lamellibranchiata. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.9, no.3, pp.77-96, pls.16-17.
矢部 長克・長尾 巧 1928:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.9, no.3, pp.77-96, pls.16-17.


YABE, H., NAGAO, T. AND SHIMIZU, S. 1926: Cretaceous Mollusca from the Sanchu-Graben in the Kwanto Mountainland, Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.9, no.2, pp.33-76, pls.12-15.
矢部 長克・長尾 巧・清水 三郎 1926:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.9, no.2, pp.33-76, pls.12-15.


YABE, H. AND NOMURA, S. 1925: Notes on the recent and Tertiary species of Thyasira From Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.7, no.4, pp.83-95, pls.13-14.
矢部 長克・野村 七平 1925:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.7, no.4, pp.83-95, pls.13-14.


YABE, H. AND OISHI, O. S. 1938: Notes on some fossil plants from Fukien Province, China. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.19, no.2, pp.221-234, pl.32.
矢部 長克・大石 三郎; 1938:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.19, no.2, pp.221-234, pl.32.


YABE, H. AND OISHI, S. 1933: Mesozoic plants from Manchuria. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.12, no.2, pp.195-238, pls.30-35.
矢部 長克・大石 三郎 1933:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.12, no.2, pp.195-238, pls.30-35.


YABE, H. AND OZAKI, H. 1953: A New Type of Cretaceous Nautiloids from Tyosi Peninsula, Kwanto Region. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, no.32, pp.55-61.
矢部 長克; 1953:国立科学博物館研究報告, no.32, pp.55-61.

YABE, H. AND SATO, S. 1942: A New Bivalve from the Jurassic Torinosu Series of the Abukuma Mountainland. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.18, no.5, pp.251-254.
矢部 長克; 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.18, no.5, pp.251-254.


YABE, H. AND SHIKAMA, T. 1948: A New Lower Triassic Nothosauria from Isihu near Yanaizu, Mono-gun, Miyagi Prefecture. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.24, no.10.
矢部 長克 1948:

YABE, H. AND SHIMIZU, S. 1921: Notes on some Cretaceous ammonites from Japan and California. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.5, no.3, pp.53-59, pls.8-9.
矢部 長克・清水 三郎 1921:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.5, no.3, pp.53-59, pls.8-9.


YABE, H. AND SHIMIZU, S. 1925: Japanese Cretaceous ammonites belonging to Prionotropidae 1. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.7, no.4, pp.125-138, pls.30-33.
矢部 長克・清水 三郎 1925:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.7, no.4, pp.125-138, pls.30-33.


YABE, H. AND SHIMIZU, S. 1927: The Triassic fauna of Rifu, near Sendai. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.11, no.2, pp.101-136, pls.10-14.
矢部 長克・清水 三郎 1927:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.11, no.2, pp.101-136, pls.10-14.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1930: On some Ordovician stromatoporoids from south Manchuria, north China and Chosen (Corea), with notes on two new European forms. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.14, no.1, pp.47-62, pls.17-23.
矢部 長克; 1930:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.14, no.1, pp.47-62, pls.17-23.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1933: Remarks on the Genus Comalia Wells with the Description of a New Species from the Jurassic of Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.9, no.2, pp.60-63.
矢部 長克; 1933:帝国学士院紀事, vol.9, no.2, pp.60-63.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1935: Jurassic stromatoporoids from Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.14, no.2, pp.135-192, pls.40-71.
矢部 長克; 1935:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.14, no.2, pp.135-192, pls.40-71.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1937: Sundry Notes on Living and Fossil Tubipora. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.6, pp.33-38.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1937:現栖及び化石Tubiporaに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.6, pp.33-38.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1937: Gotlandian Clathrodictyon from Tyosen (Korea. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.9, pp.154-157.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1937:朝鮮産GotlandianのClathrodictyonに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.9, pp.154-157.

Now building ePublication

YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1937: On a Graphularia-Like Fossil from the Pleistocene Tokyo Beds of Tokyo. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.9, pp.170-173.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1937:東京産Graphularia (?) の化石に就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.9, pp.170-173.

Now building ePublication

YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1939: Discovery of Hexaphyllia in the Lower Carboniferous of Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.46, no.552, pp.499-502, pl.26.
矢部 長克; 1939:本邦下部石炭紀層産の Hexaphyllia に就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.46, no.552, pp.499-502, pl.26.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1939: Two New Interesting Tertiary Hydrozoa from the Philippine Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1939, no.14, pp.35-38.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1939:フィリッピン産の興味ある第三紀ハイドロゾア2新種に就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1939, no.14, pp.35-38.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1939: Note on Eomontipora? from the Eocene of the Palau Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1939, no.15, pp.60-62.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1939:パラオ群島の始新統産のEoomontipora?に就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1939, no.15, pp.60-62.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1939: Marinduqueia mirabilis, gen. et sp. nov., a Sponge-like Fossil from the Eocene Limestone of Marinduque Island, Philippine Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1939, no.15, pp.68-71.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1939:フィリッピン群島マリンドウチ島始新統石灰岩産の海綿状化石Marinduqueia mirabilis新属新種に就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1939, no.15, pp.68-71.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1939: Discovery of Hexaphyllia in the Lower Carboniferous of Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1939, no.16, pp.85-88.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1939:本邦下部石炭紀層産のHexaphylliaに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1939, no.16, pp.85-88.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1940: Notes on Heterophyllia and Hexaphyllia. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.47, no.557, pp.81-86, pl.4.
矢部 長克; 1940:Heterophyllia 並に Hexaphyllia に就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.47, no.557, pp.81-86, pl.4.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1940: Notes on Heterophyllia and Hexaphyllia. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1940, no.17, pp.9-14.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1940:Heterophyllia並にHexaphylliaに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1940, no.17, pp.9-14.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1941: Tienodictyon zonatum, a New Stromatoporoid from Eastern Yunnan, China. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.17, no.5.
矢部 長克 1941:帝国学士院紀事, vol.17, no.5.

YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1941: Pseudoromingeria, a New Geuus of Auloporoids from Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.17, no.8.
矢部 長克 1941:帝国学士院紀事, vol.17, no.8.

YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1941: Discovery of Circoporella semiclathrata HAYASAKA from Hokkaido. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1941, no.20, pp.1-5.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎 1941:北海道に於けるCircoporella semiclathrataHAYASAKAの発見.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1941, no.20, pp.1-5.


YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1942: Younger Cenozoic Reef-corals from the Nabire Beds of Nabire, Dutch New Guinea. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.18, no.1.
矢部 長克 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.18, no.1.

YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1942: Devonian Fossils from Heitai, Mishan-hsien, Manchoukuo, Second Note. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.19, no.6.
矢部 長克 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.19, no.6.

YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1942: Akiyosiphyllum, a New Type of Permian Rugose Corals from Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.18, no.9.
矢部 長克 1942:帝国学士院紀事, vol.18, no.9.

YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1943: On the Fossils from Nichiuho, Nenchiang hsien, Peian Province. Bulletin of the Central National Museum of Manchoukuo, no.5.
矢部 長克 1943:滿洲國北安省嫩江縣泥鰍河産の化石に就いて.満州帝国国立中央博物館論叢, no.5.

YABE, H. AND SUGIYAMA, T. 1944: Discovery of Pseudomphyma in the Limestone of Er-tao-kou near Kiturin, Mansyu. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.20, no.6.
矢部 長克 1944:帝国学士院紀事, vol.20, no.6.

YABE, H., SUGIYAMA, T. AND EGUCHI, M. 1943: A New Hexacoral-like Carboniferous Coral. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1943, no.28, pp.299-302.
矢部 長克・杉山 敏郎・江口 元起 1943:六射珊瑚型の1新石炭紀珊瑚.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1943, no.28, pp.299-302.


YABE, H. AND SUZUKI, A. 1955: Second Occurrence of Colonial Corals of Devonian Type in Tyosen (Korea). Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.31, no.6, pp.355-359.
矢部 長克 1955:

YABE, H. AND TOYAMA, S. 1928: On some rock-forming algae from the younger Mesozoic of Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.12, no.1, pp.141-152, pls.18-23.
矢部 長克; 1928:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.12, no.1, pp.141-152, pls.18-23.


YABE, H. AND TOYAMA, S. 1949: New Dasycladaceae from the Jurassic Torinosu Limestone of the Sakawa Basin, I. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.25, no.5.
矢部 長克 1949:

YABE, H. AND TOYAMA, S. 1949: New Dasycladaceae from the Jurassic Torinosu Limestone of the Sakawa Basin, II. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.25, no.7.
矢部 長克 1949:

YABE, H. AND UEDA, F. 1948: Vicarya-Beds in the Zyoban Coal-field. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.24, no.7.
矢部 長克 1948:

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