
Japan Paleobiology Database

Tokunaga, Shigeyasu : Publication List

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TOKUNAGA, S. 1903: On the fossil echinoids of Japan. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.17, art. 12, pp.1-27, pls.1-4.
徳永 重康 1903:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.17, art. 12, pp.1-27, pls.1-4.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1903: On the fossil echinoids of Japan. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.17, art. 12, pp.1-27, pls.1-4.
徳永 重康 1903:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.17, art. 12, pp.1-27, pls.1-4.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1906: Fossils from the environs of Tokyo. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.21, art. 2, pp.1-96, pls.1-6.
徳永 重康 1906:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.21, art. 2, pp.1-96, pls.1-6.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1926: Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.33, no.397, pp.397-402, pl.9.
徳永 重康 1926:信濃國第三紀層より發見の鹿齒化石.地質学雑誌, vol.33, no.397, pp.397-402, pl.9.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1927: Geology of the Joban Coal-Field. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, no.5, pp.1-316, pls.1-10.
徳永 重康 1927:常磐炭田ノ地質.早稲田大学理工学部紀要, no.5, pp.1-316, pls.1-10.

TOKUNAGA, S. 1933: Excavated Elephant Fossils From Tokyo. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.45, no.9, pp.419-426, pls.5-6.
徳永 重康 1933:東京にて發掘した象化石.地学雑誌, vol.45, no.9, pp.419-426, pls.5-6.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1934: Fossil Elephant Teeth Found At Yokohama And Kakio, Kanagawa Prefecture. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.46, no.8, pp.363-371, pls.8-9.
徳永 重康 1934:横濱市及び神奈川縣柿生村發見の象齒化石に就て.地学雑誌, vol.46, no.8, pp.363-371, pls.8-9.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1934:
徳永 重康 1934:哺乳類.岩波講座.地質学及び古生物学,鉱物学及び岩石学.地質・古生物, pp.1-94.

TOKUNAGA, S. 1935: A New Fossil Elephant Found in Shikoku, Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.11, no.10, pp.432-434.
徳永 重康 1935:帝国学士院紀事, vol.11, no.10, pp.432-434.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1936: Geology of the Shichinohe district, Aomori Prefecture, and fossil elephant found from there. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.48, no.2, pp.67-70, pl.1.
徳永 重康 1936:青森縣七戸町附近の地質と出土の象化石.地学雑誌, vol.48, no.2, pp.67-70, pl.1.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1936: Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.48, no.10, pp.473-484, pls.6-8.
徳永 重康 1936:福島縣湯本町附近より発見せる「デスモスチラス」.地学雑誌, vol.48, no.10, pp.473-484, pls.6-8.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1939: Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.46, no.547, pp.199-200.
徳永 重康 1939:長野縣内に發見せる鯨化石.地質学雑誌, vol.46, no.547, pp.199-200.


TOKUNAGA, S. 1940: A fossil elephant tooth discovered in Miyakozima, an island of the Ryukyu archipelago, Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.16, no.3, pp.122-124.
徳永 重康 1940:帝国学士院紀事, vol.16, no.3, pp.122-124.


TOKUNAGA, S. AND IIZUKA, M. 1930: Geological studies on the Ube coal-field. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, no.6, pp.1-151, pls.1-7.
徳永 重康 1930:宇部炭田ノ地質学的研究.早稲田大学理工学部紀要, no.6, pp.1-151, pls.1-7.

TOKUNAGA, S. AND IWASAKI, C. 1914: Notes on Desmostylus japonicus. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.21, no.250, p.33.
徳永 重康 1914:地質学雑誌, vol.21, no.250, p.33.


TOKUNAGA, S. AND NAORA, N. 1934: Report of diggings at Ho-Chia-Kou, Ku-Hsiang-Tung, Kirin, Manchoukou. Report of the first scientific expedition to Manchoukuo, Section 2, pt. 1, 119pp. 42pls.
徳永 重康・直良 信夫 1934:満洲帝国吉林省顧郷屯第一回発掘物研究報文.第一次満蒙学術調査研究団報告.第二部, pt. 1, 119pp. 42pls.

TOKUNAGA, S. AND SAITO, K. 1938: A fossil pomacentrid fish from the Miocene of Izu, Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.15, nos.1-2, pp.83-86.
徳永 重康 1938:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.15, nos.1-2, pp.83-86.

TOKUNAGA, S. AND TAKAI, F. 1936: On a fossil elephant, Palaeoloxodon aomoriensis, from Shichinohe, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.43, no.511, pp.254-258, pls.13-14.
徳永 重康 1936:Palaeoloxodon aomoriensis に就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.43, no.511, pp.254-258, pls.13-14.


TOKUNAGA, S. AND TAKAI, F. 1936: On A Fossil Elephant, Palaeoloxodon aomoriensis, from Shichinohe, Kamikitagun, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1936, no.3, pp.25-29.
徳永 重康・高井 冬二 1936:Palaeoloxodon aomoriensisに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1936, no.3, pp.25-29.

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TOKUNAGA, S. AND TAKAI, F. 1936: A New Roe-deer, Capreolus (Capreolina) mayai, n. subgen. and n. sp. from the Inland Sea of Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1936, no.4, pp.75-79.
徳永 重康・高井 冬二 1936:Capreolus (Capreolina) mayaiに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1936, no.4, pp.75-79.

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TOKUNAGA, S. AND TAKAI, F. 1937: Odontoma in a Fossil Elephant from the Inland Sea of Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.7, pp.93-95.
徳永 重康・高井 冬二 1937:瀬戸内海産化石象に生じた歯牙腫に就て.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.7, pp.93-95.

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TOKUNAGA, S. AND TAKAI, F. 1938: Fossil elephants from Totigi Prefecture, Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.15, nos.1-2, pp.69-82, pls.5-8.
徳永 重康 1938:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.15, nos.1-2, pp.69-82, pls.5-8.

YOSHIWARA, S. 1901: Notes on the raised coral reefs in the islands of the Riukiu curve. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.16, art. 1, pp.1-14, pls.1-2.
吉原(徳永) 重康 1901:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.16, art. 1, pp.1-14, pls.1-2.


YOSHIWARA, S. AND IWASAKI, J. 1902: Notes on a new fossil mammal. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol.16, art. 6, pp.1-13, pls.1-3.
吉原(徳永) 重康・岩崎 重三 1902:東京帝国大学紀要.理科, vol.16, art. 6, pp.1-13, pls.1-3.


24 matching. Displaying 1 - 24

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