
Japan Paleobiology Database

Takai, Fuyuji : Publication List

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TAKAI, F. 1936: On a new fossil elephant from Okubo-mura, Akashi-gun, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.12, no.1, pp.19-21.
高井 冬二 1936:帝国学士院紀事, vol.12, no.1, pp.19-21.


TAKAI, F. 1936: Fossil elephants from Tiba Prefecture, Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.13, nos.3-4, pp.197-203, pl.24.
高井 冬二 1936:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.13, nos.3-4, pp.197-203, pl.24.

TAKAI, F. 1937: A tooth of elephant from the sea-bottom near the island of Hakurei, Hokaido, Korea. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.44, no.523, pp.304-305, pl.5.
高井 冬二 1937:朝鮮黄海道白〓島近海より發見されたる象齒に就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.44, no.523, pp.304-305, pl.5.


TAKAI, F. 1939: Eocene mammals found from the Hosan coal-field, Tyosen. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Seismology, vol.5, pt. 6, pp.199-217, pls.1-5.
高井 冬二 1939:東京帝国大学理学部紀要.第二類,地質学・鉱物学・地理学・地震学, vol.5, pt. 6, pp.199-217, pls.1-5.

TAKAI, F. 1939: Three different kinds of odontoma found in the molars of Asiatic fossil elephants. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.46, no.554, pp.581-582, pl.28.
高井 冬二 1939:亜細亜産化石象に見られる3種の齒牙腫に就て.地質学雑誌, vol.46, no.554, pp.581-582, pl.28.


TAKAI, F. 1939: Three Different Kinds of Odontoma found in the Molars of Asiatic Fossil Elephants. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1939, no.16, pp.101-102.
高井 冬二 1939:亜細亜産化石象に見られる3種の歯牙腫に就て.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1939, no.16, pp.101-102.


TAKAI, F. 1940: Shansi mole-rat, Myospalax fontanus Thomas, found in the loess of Shansi Province, China. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.17, nos.3-4, pp.209-214, pl.21.
高井 冬二 1940:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.17, nos.3-4, pp.209-214, pl.21.

TAKAI, F. 1940: On Two Teeth of Elephants found in Niigata Prefecinre. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1940, no.18, pp.51-54.
高井 冬二 1940:新潟県下に発見された2象歯化石に就て.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1940, no.18, pp.51-54.


TAKAI, F. 1941: Fossil elephants from the Hao-kang and Peh-p'iao coal-fields, Manchoukuo. Bulletin of the Geological Institute of Manchoukuo, no.101, pp.93-96.
高井 冬二 1941:満州帝国地質調査所彙報, no.101, pp.93-96.

TAKAI, F. 1941: Two fossil bovids from the vicinity of the city of Harbin, Manchoukuo. Bulletin of the Tokyo Science Museum, no.5, pp.1-14, pl.1.
高井 冬二 1941:東京科学博物館研究報告, no.5, pp.1-14, pl.1.

TAKAI, F. 1941: Two Fossil Bovids from the Vicinity of the City of Harbin, Manchoukuo. Bulletin of the Tokyo Science Museum, no.5, pp.1-13, pl.1.
高井 冬二 1941:東京科学博物館研究報告, no.5, pp.1-13, pl.1.

TAKAI, F. 1941: Two New Occurrences of the Mesozoic Leptolepid Fishes in Manchoukuo. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.48, no.574.
高井 冬二 1941:滿洲國産中生代レプトレビス科魚類2題.地質学雑誌, vol.48, no.574.

TAKAI, F. 1941: The Mammalia Fossils of China. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.53, no.629.
高井 冬二 1941:支那の化石哺乳動物群.地学雑誌, vol.53, no.629.

TAKAI, F. 1942: An occurrence of Leptolepis in the Cretaceous Sungari series in Manchoukuo. Contributions to the knowledge of the non-marine Mesozoic formations in eastern Asia and the fossils contained 5. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Seismology, vol.6, pt. 8, pp.129-133.
高井 冬二 1942:東京帝国大学理学部紀要.第二類,地質学・鉱物学・地理学・地震学, vol.6, pt. 8, pp.129-133.

TAKAI, F. 1942: Avitolabrax denticulatus, a new serranid fish from the early Miocene of the Joban coal-field, Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Seismology, vol.6, pt. 9, pp.135-139, pls.1-3.
高井 冬二 1942:東京帝国大学理学部紀要.第二類,地質学・鉱物学・地理学・地震学, vol.6, pt. 9, pp.135-139, pls.1-3.

TAKAI, F. 1942: Contributions to the Knowledge of the Non-Marine Mesozoic Formations in Eastern Asia and the Fossils Contained V. An Occurrence of Leptolepis in the Cretaceous Sungari Series in Manchoukuo. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Seismology, vol.6, no.8.
高井 冬二 1942:東京帝国大学理学部紀要.第二類,地質学・鉱物学・地理学・地震学, vol.6, no.8.

TAKAI, F. 1943: Fossil vertebrates from inner Mongolia. In: Researches of the Natural History in Silin-Gol and Ulan-Chap inner Mongolia. Archaeologia Orientalis, Series B, vol.2, no.4, pp.9-22, pls.1-3.
高井 冬二 1943:内蒙古産化石脊椎動物二三に就いて(摘要).蒙古高原:錫林郭爾・烏蘭察布に於ける地質・古生物・人類の調査.東方考古学叢刊, vol.2, no.4, pp.9-22, pls.1-3.

TAKAI, F. 1943: Contribution to the Knowledge of the Non-Marine Mesozoic Formations in Eastern Asia and the Fossils Contained, Second Series (Mesozoic Fishes), No. 1. A Monograph on the Lycoperid Fishes from the Mesozoic of Eastern Asia. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Seismology, vol.6, no.11.
高井 冬二 1943:東京帝国大学理学部紀要.第二類,地質学・鉱物学・地理学・地震学, vol.6, no.11.

TAKAI, F. 1944: A monograph on the lycopterid fishes from the Mesozoic of eastern Asia. Contributions to the knowledge of the non-marine Mesozoic formations in eastern Asia and the fossils contained, 2nd series (Mesozoic fishes), no. 1. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Seismology, vol.6, pt. 11, pp.207-270, pls.1-9.
高井 冬二 1944:東京帝国大学理学部紀要.第二類,地質学・鉱物学・地理学・地震学, vol.6, pt. 11, pp.207-270, pls.1-9.

TAKAI, F. 1944: Miscellaneous Reports of Research Institute for Natural Resources, no.5, pp.59-61, pl.5.
高井 冬二 1944:能登半島の燐鉱層産デスモスチルス.資源科学研究所彙報, no.5, pp.59-61, pl.5.

TAKAI, F. 1944: Desmostylus from the Phosphorous Beds of Noto Peninsula. Miscellaneous Reports of Research Institute for Natural Resources, no.5.
高井 冬二 1944:能登半島の燐鑛層産デスモスチルス.資源科学研究所彙報, no.5.

TAKAI, F. 1945: Eocene mammals from the Ube and Hosan coal-fields in Nippon. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.20, no.10, pp.736-741.
高井 冬二 1945:帝国学士院紀事, vol.20, no.10, pp.736-741.


TAKAI, F. 1948: Short Opinion on the History of Mammals in Eastern Asia. Science Journal (Kagaku), vol.18, no.4.
高井 冬二 1948:東亜における哺乳類進化史短見.科学, vol.18, no.4.

TAKAI, F. 1949: Fossil mammals from Katabira-mura, Kani-gun, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.21, nos.1-4, pp.285-290, pl.12.
高井 冬二 1949:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.21, nos.1-4, pp.285-290, pl.12.

TAKAI, F. 1950: Amynodon watanabei from the latest Eocene of Japan with a brief summary of the latest Eocene mammalian faunule in eastern Asia. Report of the Geological Survey of Japan, no.131, pp.1-14, pl.1.
高井 冬二 1950:地質調査所報告, no.131, pp.1-14, pl.1.

TAKAI, F. 1952: The Historical Development of Mammalian Faunae in Eastern Asia and the Interrelationship of Continent since the Mesozoic. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.22, pp.169-205.
高井 冬二 1952:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.22, pp.169-205.

TAKAI, F. 1954: An Addition to the Mammalian Fauna of the Japanese Miocene. Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Geophysics, vol.9, no.2, pp.331-335.
高井 冬二 1954:東京大学理学部紀要.第二類,地質学・鉱物学・地理学・地球物理学, vol.9, no.2, pp.331-335.

TAKAI, F. 1956: On Amynodon from Japan. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.5, pp.61-63.
高井 冬二 1956:有孔虫, no.5, pp.61-63.

TAKAI, F. 1956: The Pliocene-Pleistocene Boundary in Japan from the Viewpoint of Mammalian Faunistic Sequence. In: Actes du IV Congrès International du Quaternaire: Rome - Pise, Août-Septembre 1953, pp.29-31.
高井 冬二 1956:

TAKAI, F. 1958: Research .of Missing Link-from the Palaeontological Standpoint. Science Journal (Kagaku), vol.28, no.4, pp.188-193.
高井 冬二 1958:科学, vol.28, no.4, pp.188-193.

TAKAI, F. 1958: Paleolithic Study in Western Asia and its Future Problems. Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu), vol.1, no.3, pp.69-75.
高井 冬二 1958:第四紀研究, vol.1, no.3, pp.69-75.

TAKAI, F. 1958: Sundry Notes on the Geology of Western Iran. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.67, no.2, pp.74-82.
高井 冬二 1958:地学雑誌, vol.67, no.2, pp.74-82.

TAKAI, F. 1959: On the Age of Fossil Men in Japan. Science Journal (Kagaku), vol.29, no.8, pp.402-403.
高井 冬二 1959:科学, vol.29, no.8, pp.402-403.

TAKAI, F. 1961: A new anthracothere from the Shiramizu group in the Joban coal-field, Japan, with notes on its geological age. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.37, no.5, pp.255-260.
高井 冬二 1961:


TAKAI, F. 1961: Stegolophodon pseudolatidens from the Miocene Yokawa group in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. In: Matsushita, Susumu (ed.) Professor Jiro Makiyama Memorial Volume, pp.225-228, pl.1.
高井 冬二; 1961:松下進(編)槇山次郎教授記念論文集, pp.225-228, pl.1. 槇山次郎教授退官記念事業会.

TAKAI, F. 1961: Stegolophodon pseudolatidens from the Miocene Yokawa group in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. In: Matsushita, Susumu (ed.) Professor Jiro Makiyama Memorial Volume, pp.225-228, pl.1.
高井 冬二; 1961:松下進(編)槇山次郎教授記念論文集, pp.225-228, pl.1. 槇山次郎教授退官記念事業会.

TAKAI, F. 1961: A Subfossil Cuon from Ang Thong, Thailand. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.41, pp.13-14.
高井 冬二 1961:泰国Ang Thong産Cuonの半化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.41, pp.13-14.


TAKAI, F. 1962: Mikkabi man and the fossil-bearing deposits from Tadaki limestone quarry at Mikkabi, central Japan. 5. Vertebrate fossils from the Tadaki formation. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, vol.70, no.1, pp.38-40, pls.1-2.
高井 冬二 1962:三ケ日人と三ケ日只木石灰岩採石場の含化石層.5.只木層の脊椎動物化石.人類学雑誌, vol.70, no.1, pp.38-40, pls.1-2.


TAKAI, F. 1970: Fossil mammals from the Amud cave. In: Suzuki, H. and Takai, F. (ed.) The Amud man and his cave site 1970, chapter 5, pp.53-76, pls.11-16. Keigaku Publishing Co., Tokyo.
高井 冬二 1970:

TAKAI, F. 1975: Fossil deer from the Yamashita-cho cave no. 1. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, vol.83, no.3, pp.280-293, pls.1-4.
高井 冬二 1975:山下町第1洞発見の鹿化石.人類学雑誌, vol.83, no.3, pp.280-293, pls.1-4.


TAKAI, F. AND CHINZEI, K. 1961: Mammalian fossils excavated at Kannon cave. In: Report on the excavation of the Kannon cave, pp.22-24, pl.11.
高井 冬二・鎮西,清高 1961:

TAKAI, F. AND ET, A. 1952: Stegodon of Pliocene Type from Northwest Kyushu. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.58, no.682, pp.314-315.
高井 冬二 1952:地質学雑誌, vol.58, no.682, pp.314-315.

TAKAI, F. AND HASEGAWA, Y. 1966: Hamakita man and the site of Nekata limestone quarry at Hamakita. 5. Vertebrate fossils from the Gansuiji formation. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, vol.74, nos.3-4, pp.155-159, pls.5-1 - 5-4.
高井 冬二; 1966:浜北人と浜北根堅遺跡. 5.岩水寺層の脊椎動物化石.人類学雑誌, vol.74, nos.3-4, pp.155-159, pls.5-1 - 5-4.


TAKAI, F., MATSUMOTO, T. AND TORIYAMA, R. 1963: Geology of Japan. x+279pp. Univ. of Tokyo Press, Tokyo.
高井 冬二 1963:

TAKAI, F. AND SHIKAMA, T. 1963: A survey of the fossils from Japan illustrated in classical monographs. Part 2. Edmund Naumann (1881): Ueber Japanische Elephanten der Vorzeit. In: Tatsuro Matsumoto (ed.) Palaeontological Society of Japan, 25th Anniversary Volume, pp.3-4, pls.6-12.
高井 冬二; 1963:

TAKAI, F., SHIKAMA, T., INOUE, M. AND HASEGAWA, Y. 1958: On Fossil Milk Teeth of Elephant from Iinoya-mura, Inasa-gun, Shizuoka. Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu), vol.1, no.2, pp.58-61.
高井 冬二 1958:静岡県引佐郡井伊谷村産象乳歯化石について.第四紀研究, vol.1, no.2, pp.58-61.


TAKAI, F. AND TANAI, T. 1949: Problems on the So-called Unconformity found in the Akashi Formation-An idea on the Sedimentation of Clastic Materials. Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku), vol.3, no.2.
高井 冬二 1949:明石累層に於ける所謂不整合の問題−Clastic materialの堆積についての一つの考え.地球科学, vol.3, no.2.

TAKAI, F. AND TSUCHI, R. 1959: Notes on the Fossil Elephant Recently found in the Sahama Mud, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu), vol.1, no.5, pp.164-173.
高井 冬二 1959:第四紀研究, vol.1, no.5, pp.164-173.

48 matching. Displaying 1 - 48

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