
Japan Paleobiology Database

Shikama, Tokio : Publication List

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SHIKAMA, T. 1936: Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.43, no.510, pp.168-176.
鹿間 時夫 1936:本邦産化石鹿の一新種ニホンムカシジカ(Cervus(cfr., Anoglochis) Praenipponicus sp., nov.,)に就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.43, no.510, pp.168-176.


SHIKAMA, T. 1936: On the Genus Parastegodon. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1936, no.4, pp.62-69.
鹿間 時夫 1936:Parastegodon属に就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1936, no.4, pp.62-69.


SHIKAMA, T. 1937: Parastegodon infrequens sp. nov. from the Akasi District. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.14, nos.2-3, pp.127-131, pl.9.
鹿間 時夫 1937:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.14, nos.2-3, pp.127-131, pl.9.

SHIKAMA, T. 1937: Fossil cervifauna of Syatin near Tainan, southwestern Taiwan (Formosa). Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.19, no.1, pp.75-85, pl.16.
鹿間 時夫 1937:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.19, no.1, pp.75-85, pl.16.


SHIKAMA, T. 1937: Pathologic Examples of Fossil Deer Bone and Antler from the Fissure Deposits of Kuzuu. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.6, pp.12-14.
鹿間 時夫 1937:葛生裂罅堆積物産化石鹿の骨及び角の疾病例.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.6, pp.12-14.

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SHIKAMA, T. 1937: Short Notes on the Excavation of the Ossiferous Fissures and Caves in Kuzuü during the Years 1931 to 1936. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.7, pp.54-69.
鹿間 時夫 1937:自昭和6年至同11年葛生骨洞群発掘概報.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.7, pp.54-69.


SHIKAMA, T. 1938: Discovery of a Giant Fallow Deer from the Pleistocene of Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.16, nos.1-2, pp.115-122, pl.8.
鹿間 時夫 1938:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.16, nos.1-2, pp.115-122, pl.8.

SHIKAMA, T. 1938: On Some Japanese Fossil Equids. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.40-46.
鹿間 時夫 1938:日本産化石馬に就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.40-46.

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SHIKAMA, T. 1941: Fossil deer in Japan. In: Jubilee Publication in the Commemoration of Professor H. Yabe, M.I.A. Sixtieth Birthday, pp.1125-1170, pl.52.
鹿間 時夫 1941:日本産化石鹿.矢部教授還暦記念論文集, pp.1125-1170, pl.52.

SHIKAMA, T. 1941: The Kuzuu Ossuaries: Geological and Paleontological Studies of the Limestone Fissure Deposits, in Kuzuu, Totigi Prefecture. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.23.
鹿間 時夫 1941:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.23.

SHIKAMA, T. 1941: Fossil vertebrates from China. Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku Imperial University, no.36.
鹿間 時夫 1941:支那大陸の脊推動物化石(前篇).東北帝国大学理学部地質学古生物学教室研究邦文報告, no.36.

SHIKAMA, T. 1942: Geological Age of the Lycoptera Beds in Manchoukuo. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.54, no.637.
鹿間 時夫 1942:滿洲國に於けるリコプテラ層の地質時代に就いて.地学雑誌, vol.54, no.637.

SHIKAMA, T. 1942: Vertebrata Fossils from Eastern Asia. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.54, no.638.
鹿間 時夫 1942:東亞の化石脊推動物.地学雑誌, vol.54, no.638.

SHIKAMA, T. 1942: Footprints from Chinchou. Manchoukuo, of Jeholosauripus, the Eo-Mesazoic Dinosaur. Bulletin of the Central National Museum of Manchoukuo, no.3.
鹿間 時夫 1942:満州帝国国立中央博物館論叢, no.3.

SHIKAMA, T. 1943: A handbook of illustrated fossils from Japanese and their adjacent territories. 279pp. 46pls. Nippon Koubutu Syumi-no-kai, Kyoto.
鹿間 時夫 1943:日本化石図譜.279pp. 46pls. 日本鉱物趣味の会出版部,京都.

SHIKAMA, T. 1943: Pleistocene Problems in Japan and Vicinity, Some Tentative Considerations in Palaeomammalogy. Bulletin of the Central National Museum of Manchoukuo, no.6.
鹿間 時夫 1943:哺乳動物より觀たる東亞の洪積世に就いて(1).満州帝国国立中央博物館論叢, no.6.

SHIKAMA, T. 1947: Some topics of the Vertebrate paleontology in the Far East. Mineralogy and Geology, vol.1, no.3.
鹿間 時夫 1947:東亞大陸化石脊推動物界あれこれ.鉱物と地質, vol.1, no.3.

SHIKAMA, T. 1947: Teilhardosaurus and Endotherium, New Jurassic Reptilia and Mammalia from the Husin Manchuria. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.23, no.7.
鹿間 時夫 1947:

SHIKAMA, T. 1948: Evolutional significance of the primitive mammals found in the Jura System, South Manchuria. Science Journal (Kagaku), vol.18, no.2.
鹿間 時夫 1948:南滿侏羅系産原始哺乳類の進化史的意味.科学, vol.18, no.2.

SHIKAMA, T. 1948: Pleistocene mammalia in Japan. Earth Sciences (Chikyu no Kagaku), vol.3, no.3.
鹿間 時夫 1948:洪積世日本の哺乳動物.地球の科学, vol.3, no.3.

SHIKAMA, T. 1949: The Kuzuu Ossuaries : Geological and palaeontological studies of the limestone fissure deposits, in Kuzuu, Totigi Prefecture. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.23, pp.1-201, pls.1-32.
鹿間 時夫 1949:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.23, pp.1-201, pls.1-32.


SHIKAMA, T. 1949: Beetle bearing earth, new cave deposits. Science Journal (Kagaku), vol.19, no.4.
鹿間 時夫 1949:新洞窟堆積物,甲蟲土.科学, vol.19, no.4.

SHIKAMA, T. 1950: Late Cainozoic Formations in Manchuria. Mineralogy and Geology, vol.3, no.5.
鹿間 時夫 1950:滿洲の後期新生界について.鉱物と地質, vol.3, no.5.

SHIKAMA, T. 1950: Notes on the Chronology of Japanese Quaternary. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.56, no.659.
鹿間 時夫 1950:本邦第四紀の編年について.地質学雑誌, vol.56, no.659.

SHIKAMA, T. 1951: Paleogene Mollusca from South Nagano Ken. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.1, pp.13-16.
鹿間 時夫 1951:長野縣南部古第三紀貝化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.1, pp.13-16.


SHIKAMA, T. 1951: On the Mode of Fossils Occurrence in the Tomikusa Group, South Sinsyu. Mineralogy and Geology, vol.4, nos.3-4, pp.113-120.
鹿間 時夫 1951:鉱物と地質, vol.4, nos.3-4, pp.113-120.

SHIKAMA, T. 1951: On the Triassic Nothosauria from Miyagi Prefecture. Syumi-no-Tigaku, vol.5, no.2, pp.112-118.
鹿間 時夫 1951:趣味の地学, vol.5, no.2, pp.112-118.

SHIKAMA, T. 1952: A handbook of illustrated fossils from Japanese and their adjacent territories.. 376pp. 57pls. Nippon Koubutu Syumi-no-kai, Kyoto.
鹿間 時夫 1952:日本化石図譜.改訂版.376pp. 57pls. 日本礦物趣味之会,京都.

SHIKAMA, T. 1952: The Japanese Quarternary, its Outline and Historical Review. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.1, pp.29-53.
鹿間 時夫 1952:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.1, pp.29-53.

SHIKAMA, T. 1952: The Lower Triassic Formation of Santyu-Graben. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.58, no.686, p.537.
鹿間 時夫 1952:地質学雑誌, vol.58, no.686, p.537.

SHIKAMA, T. 1953: On a Fossil Remain of Sea-Lion, Eumetopias (?) kishidai n. sp. from Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.2, pp.10-14, pl.2.
鹿間 時夫 1953:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.2, pp.10-14, pl.2.


SHIKAMA, T. 1953: On a New Land Turtle from Palaeogene of Hokkaido. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.9, pp.19-26.
鹿間 時夫 1953:北海道古第三系産の新陸亀.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.9, pp.19-26.


SHIKAMA, T. 1953: Senryuemus kiharai, gen. & sp. nov., a New Terrapin from the Oligo-Miocene of North Kyusyu. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.2, pp.1-9.
鹿間 時夫 1953:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.2, pp.1-9.

SHIKAMA, T. 1954: Clavagellid Fossils from Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.3, pp.63-65.
鹿間 時夫 1954:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.3, pp.63-65.

SHIKAMA, T. 1954: On the Tertiary Formation of Tomikusa in South Nagano Prefecture. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.3, pp.71-108.
鹿間 時夫 1954:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.3, pp.71-108.

SHIKAMA, T. 1955: Stratigraphical Notes on the Moesima Shell Bed, Kagoshima Prefecture. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.61, no.723, p.598.
鹿間 時夫 1955:地質学雑誌, vol.61, no.723, p.598.

SHIKAMA, T. 1956: On the Meaning of the "Kaseki-syo" (Fossil Enclosure), hitherto used in Vertebrate Palaeontology. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.62, no.733, pp.605-606.
鹿間 時夫 1956:地質学雑誌, vol.62, no.733, pp.605-606.

SHIKAMA, T. 1956: Miocene Chelonia of Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.5, pp.35-62.
鹿間 時夫 1956:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.5, pp.35-62.

SHIKAMA, T. 1956: On the Chronology of the Japanese Quaternary. In: Actes du IV Congrès International du Quaternaire: Rome - Pise, Août-Septembre 1953, pp.905-909.
鹿間 時夫 1956:

SHIKAMA, T. 1957: Problems of Pliocene-Pleistocene Boundary. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.63, no.737, pp.137-153.
鹿間 時夫 1957:地質学雑誌, vol.63, no.737, pp.137-153.

SHIKAMA, T. 1957: On the Desmostylid Skeltons. Natural Science and Museums, vol.24, nos.1-2, pp.16-21.
鹿間 時夫 1957:自然科学と博物館, vol.24, nos.1-2, pp.16-21.

SHIKAMA, T. 1961: Studies on vertebrate paleontology. Fossils (Kaseki), no.2, pp.25-43.
鹿間 時夫 1961:古脊椎動物の研究.化石, no.2, pp.25-43.

SHIKAMA, T. 1962: Quaternary land connections of Japanese Islands with continent from the viewpoints of palaeomammalogy. Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu), vol.2, no.4−5, pp.146-153.
鹿間 時夫 1962:化石哺乳類よりみた日本列島と大陸との陸地接続.第四紀研究, vol.2, no.4−5, pp.146-153.

SHIKAMA, T. 1963: Note on a Stegodon tooth from Sendai. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.10, pp.67-69, pl.1.
鹿間 時夫 1963:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.10, pp.67-69, pl.1.

SHIKAMA, T. 1964: Index fossils of Japan. 287pp. 80pls. Asakura Shoten, Tokyo.
鹿間 時夫 1964:日本化石図譜.287pp. 80pls. 朝倉書店,東京.

SHIKAMA, T. 1964: Selected shells of the world illustrated in colours (2). 212pp. 70pls. Hokuryu-kan, Tokyo.
鹿間 時夫 1964:原色図鑑.世界の貝〈続〉.212pp. 70pls. 北陸館,東京.

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SHIKAMA, T. 1964: Cervid Antler from Akishima City, Tokyo. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.11, pp.55-58, pl.3.
鹿間 時夫 1964:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.11, pp.55-58, pl.3.

SHIKAMA, T. 1965: On Some Elephant Teeth from Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Prefectures. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.12, pp.27-36, pl.1.
鹿間 時夫 1965:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.12, pp.27-36, pl.1.


SHIKAMA, T. 1966: On Some Desmostylian Teeth in Japan, with Stratigraphical Remarks on the Keton and Izumi Desmostylids. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, vol.9, no.2, pp.119-170, pls.1-6.
鹿間 時夫 1966:国立科学博物館研究報告, vol.9, no.2, pp.119-170, pls.1-6.

SHIKAMA, T. 1966: Postcranial Skeletotas of Japanese Desmostylia. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Special Papers, no.12, pls.1-12.
鹿間 時夫 1966:

SHIKAMA, T. 1967: System and evolution of Japanese fulgorarid gastropoda. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.13, pp.23-132, pls.1-17.
鹿間 時夫 1967:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.13, pp.23-132, pls.1-17.


SHIKAMA, T. 1967: A fossil reptile from the Tetori Group. Natural Science and Museums, vol.34, no.1−2, pp.13-16.
鹿間 時夫 1967:手取統より爬虫類の産出.自然科学と博物館, vol.34, no.1−2, pp.13-16.

SHIKAMA, T. 1968: On a giant Thraciodora from the Hayama Group. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.14, pp.13-16, pl.2.
鹿間 時夫 1968:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.14, pp.13-16, pl.2.

SHIKAMA, T. 1968: Supplement to the system and evolution of Japanese fulgorarid Gastoropoda. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.14, pp.17-20.
鹿間 時夫 1968:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.14, pp.17-20.

SHIKAMA, T. 1968: Additional notes on the postcranial skeletons of Japanese Desmostylia. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.14, pp.21-26, pl.4.
鹿間 時夫 1968:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.14, pp.21-26, pl.4.

SHIKAMA, T. 1969: On a Jurassic reptile from Miyama-cho, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.15, pp.25-34, pl.1.
鹿間 時夫 1969:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.15, pp.25-34, pl.1.

SHIKAMA, T. 1970: Index fossils of Japan. 286pp. 89pls. Asakura Shoten, Tokyo.
鹿間 時夫 1970:日本化石図譜.増訂版.286pp. 89pls. 朝倉書店,東京.

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SHIKAMA, T. 1970: On some Mesosaurus skeletons kept in Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.16, pp.29-49, pls.1-5.
鹿間 時夫 1970:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.16, pp.29-49, pls.1-5.

SHIKAMA, T. 1972: Fossil Crocodilia from Tsochin, southwestern Taiwan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.19, pp.125-131, pls.1-2.
鹿間 時夫 1972:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.19, pp.125-131, pls.1-2.

SHIKAMA, T. 1973: Molluscan assemblages of the basal part of the Zushi Formation in the Miura Peninsula. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, Special Volume, no.6, pp.179-204, pls.16-17.
鹿間 時夫 1973:東北大学理科報告.地質学.特別号, no.6, pp.179-204, pls.16-17.

SHIKAMA, T. 1977: Descriptions of new and noteworthy gastropods from western Pacific and Indian Oceans. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.24, pp.9-23, pls.1-25.
鹿間 時夫 1977:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.24, pp.9-23, pls.1-25.

SHIKAMA, T. AND DOMNING, D. P. 1970: Pliocene Sirenia in Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.80, pp.390-396, pl.1.
鹿間 時夫・Domning Daryl P. 1970:Pliocene Sirenia in Japan.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.80, pp.390-396, pl.1.


SHIKAMA, T. AND ET, A. 1955: Fissure Deposits and their Fossil Facies in the Mikatagahara District, Shizuoka Prefecture. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.61, no.718, p.325.
鹿間 時夫 1955:地質学雑誌, vol.61, no.718, p.325.

SHIKAMA, T. AND ET, A. 1957: Cave and Fissure Deposits of the Akiyoshi Plateau. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.63, no.742, p.432.
鹿間 時夫 1957:地質学雑誌, vol.63, no.742, p.432.

SHIKAMA, T., ETO, T. AND YOSHIMOTO, Y. 1972: Benthonic Foraminifera of the Tamari Formation in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.19, pp.97-114, pl.1.
鹿間 時夫; 1972:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.19, pp.97-114, pl.1.

SHIKAMA, T. AND HASEGAWA, Y. 1958: On a New Anourosorex from the Ryugasi Formation (Fissure Deposits) in Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.7, pp.105-112, pl.16.
鹿間 時夫 1958:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.7, pp.105-112, pl.16.


SHIKAMA, T. AND HASEGAWA, Y. 1962: Discovery of the Fossil Giant Salamander (Megalobatrachus) in Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.45, pp.197-200, pl.29.
鹿間 時夫・長谷川 善和 1962:日本における化石ハンザキの発見.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.45, pp.197-200, pl.29.


SHIKAMA, T. AND HASEGAWA, Y. 1962: On the megacerid remains from Tomioka, Gunma Prefecture. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.71, no.6, pp.247-253.
鹿間 時夫 1962:群馬県富岡の巨角鹿について.地学雑誌, vol.71, no.6, pp.247-253.

SHIKAMA, T. AND HASEGAWA, Y. 1965: On a New Fossil Cervid Antler from Western Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.12, pp.45-47, pl.4.
鹿間 時夫 1965:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.12, pp.45-47, pl.4.


SHIKAMA, T. AND HASEGAWA, Y. 1965: Fossil suid from Kuri-hama, Kanazawa Prefecture.. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.12, pp.37-43, pl.1.
鹿間 時夫 1965:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.12, pp.37-43, pl.1.

SHIKAMA, T., HASEGAWA, Y. AND KANIE, Y. 1972: Fossil astragalus of the late Pleistocene giant deer, Sinomegaceroides sp., from Otsu Member at Otsu, Yokosuka City. Science Report of the Yokosuka City Museum, no.19, pp.36-39, pl.1.
鹿間 時夫 1972:横須賀市大津層産巨角鹿距骨化石.横須賀市博物館研究報告.自然科学, no.19, pp.36-39, pl.1.

SHIKAMA, T., HASEGAWA, Y. AND OKAFUJI, G. 1967: On a Rhinocerid Skull from Isa, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, vol.10, no.4, pp.455-462.
鹿間 時夫 1967:国立科学博物館研究報告, vol.10, no.4, pp.455-462.

SHIKAMA, T., HASEGAWA, Y. AND OTUKA, H. 1973: Geological range of mammals in the Japanese Neogene. Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan, no.8, pp.137-141.
鹿間 時夫 1973:日本新第三紀哺乳類のRangeについて.地質学論集, no.8, pp.137-141.

SHIKAMA, T. AND HIRANO, H. 1970: On the Mode of Occurrence of Ammonites in the Nishinakayama Formation, Toyora Group. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.16, pp.61-71, pls.9-11.
鹿間 時夫 1970:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.16, pp.61-71, pls.9-11.


SHIKAMA, T. AND HORIKOSHI, M. 1963: Selected shells of the world illustrated in colours (1). 154pp. 102pls. Hokuryu-kan, Tokyo.
鹿間 時夫 堀越 増興 1963:原色図鑑.世界の貝.154pp. 102pls. 北陸館,東京.

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SHIKAMA, T. AND IKEYA, N. 1964: On the variation of Chlamys islandica from a part of Setana Formation. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.11, pp.29-54, pls.1-2.
鹿間 時夫; 1964:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.11, pp.29-54, pls.1-2.

SHIKAMA, T., KAMEI, T. AND MURATA, M. 1978: Early Triassic Ichthyosaurus, Utatsusaurus hataii Gen. et Sp. Nov., from the Kitakami Massif, Northeast Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.48, nos.1-2, pp.77-97, pls.1-9.
鹿間 時夫・亀井 節夫・村田 正文 1978:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.48, nos.1-2, pp.77-97, pls.1-9.


SHIKAMA, T., KAMEI, T. AND MURATA, M. 1978: Early Triassic ichthyosaurus, Utatsusaurus hataii gen. et sp. nov., from the Kitakami Massif, Northeast Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.48, no.2, pp.77-97, pls.1-9.
鹿間 時夫; 1978:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.48, no.2, pp.77-97, pls.1-9.

SHIKAMA, T. AND KANNO, S. 1970: On an Elephant found at Ikebukuro Station, Tokyo. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.16, pp.51-60, pls.7-8.
鹿間 時夫 1970:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.16, pp.51-60, pls.7-8.


SHIKAMA, T. AND KASE, T. 1976: Molluscan fauna of the Miocene Morozaki Group in the southern part of Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.23, pp.1-25, pls.1-2.
鹿間 時夫・加瀬 友喜 1976:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.23, pp.1-25, pls.1-2.


SHIKAMA, T. AND KIRII, Y. 1956: A Miocene Stegolophodon from Yatuo Group in Toyama Prefecture. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.24, pp.285-289, pl.41.
鹿間 時夫・桐井 義博 1956:富山県八尾層群産の中新世Stegolophodon.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.24, pp.285-289, pl.41.


SHIKAMA, T., LING, C. C., SHIMODA, N. AND BABA, H. 1976: Discovery of Homo sapiens from Choshen in Taiwan. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, vol.84, no.2, pp.131-138.
鹿間 時夫; 1976:人類学雑誌, vol.84, no.2, pp.131-138.

SHIKAMA, T. AND MASUJIMA, A. 1969: On the Akebiconcha assemblage. Fossils (Kaseki), no.17, pp.16-21.
鹿間 時夫 1969:Akebiconcha群集について.化石, no.17, pp.16-21.

SHIKAMA, T. AND MASUJIMA, A. 1969: Quantitative studies of the molluscan assemblages in the Ikego-Nojima Formations. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.15, pp.61-94, pls.5-7.
鹿間 時夫 1969:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.15, pp.61-94, pls.5-7.

SHIKAMA, T. AND MURATA, M. 1976: A fish fossil from Middle Triassic formation in Rifu, Miyagi Prefecture. (Data of Japanese fossil Vertebrate, 3). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.82, no.1, pp.69-71.
鹿間 時夫; 1976:宮城県利府の中部三畳紀層産魚類化石:日本脊椎動物化石資料,3.地質学雑誌, vol.82, no.1, pp.69-71.

SHIKAMA, T. AND NISHIDA, T. 1968: On Some Species of Carboniferous Pleurotomariaceans from Akiyoshi : Molluscan Paleontology of the Akiyoshi Limestone Group-III. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.69, pp.211-217, pl.25.
鹿間 時夫・西田 民雄 1968:秋吉石灰岩層群産オキナエビスガイ超科の 3 新種.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.69, pp.211-217, pl.25.


SHIKAMA, T. AND NODA, K. 1968: On an Elephant Tooth gained from off Cape Yozu, Kochi Prefecture. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.14, pp.7-11, pl.1.
鹿間 時夫 1968:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.14, pp.7-11, pl.1.


SHIKAMA, T. AND OKAFUJI, G. 1958: Quaternary Cave and Fissure Deposits and their Fossils in Akiyosi District, Yamaguti Prefecture. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.7, pp.43-103, pls.4-15.
鹿間 時夫 1958:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.7, pp.43-103, pls.4-15.


SHIKAMA, T. AND OKAFUJI, G. 1963: On Some Choukuotien Mammals from Isa, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.9, pp.51-58, pl.2.
鹿間 時夫 1963:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.9, pp.51-58, pl.2.


SHIKAMA, T. AND OKAFUJI, G. 1964: On a new cyclemys from Akiyoshi, Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.11, pp.59-67, pls.1-2.
鹿間 時夫 1964:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.11, pp.59-67, pls.1-2.

SHIKAMA, T. AND OMORI, M. 1952: Note on an Occurrence of Dicrocerus in the Daigo Group of the Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.28, no.10, pp.567-572.
鹿間 時夫 1952:

SHIKAMA, T. AND ONUKI, Y. 1962: Equid fossils from Iwate and Miyagi Prefecture. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.34, no.2, pp.187-197, pls.13-15.
鹿間 時夫; 1962:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.34, no.2, pp.187-197, pls.13-15.

SHIKAMA, T., OTSUKA, H. AND TOMIDA, Y. 1975: Fossil Proboscidea from Taiwan (1) and (2). Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.22, pp.13-62, pls.1-6.
鹿間 時夫 1975:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.22, pp.13-62, pls.1-6.


SHIKAMA, T. AND OZAKI, H. 1966: On a Reptilian Skeleton from the Palaeozoic Formation of San Paulo, Brazil. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.64, pp.351-358, pl.39.
鹿間 時夫・尾崎 博 1966:ブラジル, サンパウロの古生界産爬虫類骨格.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.64, pp.351-358, pl.39.


SHIKAMA, T. AND OZAKI, K. 1969: Palaeoecological notes on the Ordovician Jigunsan Shale Formation in the Jangseongri area, Samcheog-gun, Kangwon-do, Republic of Korea. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.15, pp.35-52, pl.3.
鹿間 時夫; 1969:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.15, pp.35-52, pl.3.

SHIKAMA, T., SHIMAOKA, Y., CHINZEI, K. AND KAGAMI, H. 1952: Same Cave, Siga Prefecture. (Japanese Speleological Works, No. 1). Syumi-no-Tigaku, vol.5, no.6, pp.351-359.
鹿間 時夫 1952:趣味の地学, vol.5, no.6, pp.351-359.

SHIKAMA, T. AND SUZUKI, S. 1972: Stratigraphy and Tectonic Development mainly of Cretaceous Formations of Choshi Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.19, pp.133-157, pls.4-6.
鹿間 時夫 1972:千葉県銚子半島の地質 : 白亜系を中心として.横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.19, pp.133-157, pls.4-6.


SHIKAMA, T. AND TAKAYASU, Y. 1971: Fossil Mammals from the Shibikawa Formation in Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.18, pp.43-47, pl.6.
鹿間 時夫 1971:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.18, pp.43-47, pl.6.


SHIKAMA, T. AND TANABE, K. 1970: Late Cretaceous Rudistes from Uwajima, Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.17, pp.49-58, pls.6-7.
鹿間 時夫 1970:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.17, pp.49-58, pls.6-7.


SHIKAMA, T. AND TOMISAWA, T. 1973: Cetacean fossil from Toride, Shigamura, Higashi-Chikuma-gun, Nagano Prefecture (Date of Japanese fossil vertebrata-1). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.79, no.4, pp.314-316.
鹿間 時夫 1973:長野県東筑摩郡四賀村取出の鯨化石,日本脊椎化石資料―I.地質学雑誌, vol.79, no.4, pp.314-316.

SHIKAMA, T. AND TSUGAWA, S. 1962: Megacerid remains from Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, vol.6, no.1, pp.1-12, pls.1-6.
鹿間 時夫 1962:国立科学博物館研究報告, vol.6, no.1, pp.1-12, pls.1-6.

SHIKAMA, T. AND YANAGISAWA, I. 1971: Fossil proboscidean tooth from Iwaki City, Hukushima Prefecture. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.18, pp.37-42, pls.1-2.
鹿間 時夫 1971:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.18, pp.37-42, pls.1-2.

SHIKAMA, T. AND YOSHIDA, S. 1961: On a Equid Fossil from Hiramaki Formation. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.44, pp.171-174, pl.26.
鹿間 時夫・吉田 新二 1961:on a Equid Fossil from Hiramaki Formation.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.44, pp.171-174, pl.26.


SHIKAMA, T. AND YUI, S. 1973: On Some Nerineid Gastropoda in Japan : Preliminary Report. Science Reports of the Yokohama National University, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, vol.20, pp.9-57, pls.3-8.
鹿間 時夫 1973:横浜国立大学理科紀要.第二類,生物学・地学, vol.20, pp.9-57, pls.3-8.


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