
Japan Paleobiology Database

Endo, Seido : Publication List

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ENDO, S. 1925: Nilssonia-bed of Hokkaido and its Flora. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.7, no.3, pp.57-72, pls.11-17.
遠藤 誠道 1925:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.7, no.3, pp.57-72, pls.11-17.


ENDO, S. 1934: The Geological Age of the Fu-shun Group, South Manchuria. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.10, no.8, pp.486-489.
遠藤 誠道 1934:帝国学士院紀事, vol.10, no.8, pp.486-489.


ENDO, S. 1934: Discovery of Liriodendron Leaves from the Neogene of Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.10, no.9, pp.590-593.
遠藤 誠道 1934:帝国学士院紀事, vol.10, no.9, pp.590-593.


ENDO, S. 1935: A Pleistocene Flora of Japan as an Indicator of Climatic Condition. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1935, no.1, pp.9-25.
遠藤 誠道 1935:気候状況指示者としての日本更新世植物群.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1935, no.1, pp.9-25.


ENDO, S. 1936: New Fossil Species of Sequoia from the Far-East. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.12, no.6, pp.172-175.
遠藤 誠道 1936:帝国学士院紀事, vol.12, no.6, pp.172-175.


ENDO, S. 1938: Cenozoic Plants from Tyosen (Korea)(I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1938, no.10, pp.5-10.
遠藤 誠道 1938:朝鮮半島産新生代化石植物に就いて (I.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1938, no.10, pp.5-10.


ENDO, S. 1938: Cenozoic Plants from Tyosen (Korea)(II. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1938, no.10, pp.20-22.
遠藤 誠道 1938:朝鮮半島産新生代化石植物に就いて (II.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1938, no.10, pp.20-22.


ENDO, S. 1938: On Fossil Plants from the Environs of Sendai (I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.84-86.
遠藤 誠道 1938:仙台附近産化石植物に就いて (I.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.84-86.


ENDO, S. 1939: Some new and interesting Miocene plants from Tyosen (Korea). In: Jubilee Publication in the Commemoration of Professor H. Yabe, M.I.A. Sixtieth Birthday, pp.333-349, pl.23.
遠藤 誠道 1939:朝鮮半島産,中新世の興味ある化石植物並に新種.矢部教授還暦記念論文集, pp.333-349, pl.23.

ENDO, S. 1939: A Pleistocene Flora from Kagoshima, Kyusyu, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1939, no.14, pp.48-52.
遠藤 誠道 1939:九州, 鹿児島県産更新世植物化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1939, no.14, pp.48-52.


ENDO, S. 1941: The Genus Macclintockia from East Asia. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1941, no.20, pp.33-34.
遠藤 誠道 1941:東亜産のMacclintookia属に就て.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1941, no.20, pp.33-34.


ENDO, S. 1941: The genus Macclintockia from East Asia. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.48, no.571.
遠藤 誠道 1941:東亜産のMacclintockia属に就て.地質学雑誌, vol.48, no.571.

ENDO, S. 1942: On the Fossil Flora from the Shulan Coal-Field, Kirin Province and the Fushun Coal-Field, Fengtien Province. Bulletin of the Central National Museum of Manchoukuo, no.3.
遠藤 誠道 1942:吉林省舒蘭炭田及び奉天省撫順炭田産化石植物調査報告.満州帝国国立中央博物館論叢, no.3.

ENDO, S. 1943: On the Fossil Sassafras from the Woodwardia Zone of Isikari Coal Field, Hokkaido, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1943, no.27, pp.294-295.
遠藤 誠道 1943:北海道石狩炭田羊歯砂岩層産Sassafrasに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1943, no.27, pp.294-295.


ENDO, S. 1943: On the Fossil Cedrela from the Kyusin Coal Mine, Kankyo-Hokudo. Tyosen (Korea. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1943, no.27, pp.296-297.
遠藤 誠道 1943:朝鮮咸鏡北道弓心炭坑産Cedrelaに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1943, no.27, pp.296-297.


ENDO, S. 1943: On the Fossil Sassafras from the Woodwardia Zone of Isikari Coal-Field, Hokkaido. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.50, no.599.
遠藤 誠道 1943:北海道石狩炭田羊齒砂岩層産Sassafrasに就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.50, no.599.

ENDO, S. 1943: On the Fossil Cedrela from the Kyusin Coal Mine, Kankya-Hokudo, Tyosen (Korea). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.50, no.599.
遠藤 誠道 1943:朝鮮咸鏡北道弓心炭坑産Cedrelaに就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.50, no.599.

ENDO, S. 1948: Recent and Fossil Nuts of Choerospondias (Axillaris Roxb.), Anacardianeae, from Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.24, no.8.
遠藤 誠道 1948:

ENDO, S. 1948: Cenozoic climate in Japan from the standpoint of plant-fossils. Earth Sciences (Chikyu no Kagaku), vol.3, no.1.
遠藤 誠道 1948:植物化石より見たる本邦新生代の氣候.地球の科学, vol.3, no.1.

ENDO, S. 1950: On the Fossil Acer from Japan, Korea, and South Manchuria. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.1.
遠藤 誠道 1950:

ENDO, S. 1950: On the Fossil Carpinus from Japan and Korea. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.2.
遠藤 誠道 1950:

ENDO, S. 1951: Sequoia from South Manchuria Oldest in the World. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.1, pp.17-18.
遠藤 誠道 1951:南満洲熱河産世界最古のSequoia.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.1, pp.17-18.


ENDO, S. 1951: On the Fossil Acer from Japan, Korea and South Manchuria II. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.3, pp.52-58.
遠藤 誠道 1951:

ENDO, S. 1951: Upper Miocene Climate in the Tohoku District. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.57, no.670, p.258.
遠藤 誠道 1951:地質学雑誌, vol.57, no.670, p.258.

ENDO, S. 1952: On the Umoregi. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), vol.61, no.2, pp.80-83.
遠藤 誠道 1952:地学雑誌, vol.61, no.2, pp.80-83.

ENDO, S. 1952: Climatic Condition indicated by the Fossil Flora of the Woodwardia-sandstone, Ishikari Coal Field. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.58, no.682, p.297.
遠藤 誠道 1952:地質学雑誌, vol.58, no.682, p.297.

ENDO, S. 1953: A New Cycadeoidea from South Sakhalin.. Kumamoto Journal of Science, Series B, Biology and Geology, no.2, pp.1-7.
遠藤 誠道 1953:熊本大学理学部紀要.第2部., no.2, pp.1-7.

ENDO, S. 1953: Notes on the Cainozoic Plants of East Asia. (1, 2). Kumamoto Journal of Science, Series B, Biology and Geology, no.2, pp.13-17.
遠藤 誠道 1953:熊本大学理学部紀要.第2部., no.2, pp.13-17.

ENDO, S. 1953: On the Distribution of Cycadeoidea. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.59, no.694, p.325.
遠藤 誠道 1953:地質学雑誌, vol.59, no.694, p.325.

ENDO, S. 1953: Plants extinguished in the Latest Geological Age of the Japanese Islands. In: Proceedings of the eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association : held at the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 16th to 28th November 1953, pp.443-445.
遠藤 誠道 1953:

ENDO, S. 1954: Notes on the Cainozoic Plants of East Asia. Kumamoto Journal of Science, Series B, Biology and Geology, no.4, pp.1-18.
遠藤 誠道 1954:熊本大学理学部紀要.第2部., no.4, pp.1-18.

ENDO, S. 1954: Climatic Condition of the Sedimentary Period of the Umi Formation, Nukaya Coal-field in Kyushu. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.60, no.706, p.307.
遠藤 誠道 1954:地質学雑誌, vol.60, no.706, p.307.

ENDO, S. 1956: On Cycadeoidea. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.62, no.730, p.391.
遠藤 誠道 1956:地質学雑誌, vol.62, no.730, p.391.

ENDO, S. 1957: Upper Cretaceous Fossil Plants from Hokkaido. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.63, no.742, p.445.
遠藤 誠道 1957:地質学雑誌, vol.63, no.742, p.445.

ENDO, S. 1959: Notes on the Upper Cretaceous Fossil Floras of the Japanese Islands. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.65, no.766, p.456.
遠藤 誠道 1959:地質学雑誌, vol.65, no.766, p.456.

ENDO, S. 1961: On the Evolution of the Osmundaceae with Descriptions of Two New Species. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.44, pp.157-160, pl.24.
遠藤 誠道 1961:「ゼンマイ」科の進化について、及び2新種の記載.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.44, pp.157-160, pl.24.


ENDO, S. 1962: On the Eocene Plants from the Woodwardia Formation of the Ishikari Group. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.45, pp.206-208, pl.31.
遠藤 誠道 1962:石狩層群「ウットワルヂア」層産始新世化石植物.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.45, pp.206-208, pl.31.


ENDO, S. 1962: On the Genus Carpinus with Descriptions of Two New Species. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.47, pp.298-300, pl.46.
遠藤 誠道 1962:カルピヌス」属についておよび2新種の記載.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.47, pp.298-300, pl.46.


ENDO, S. 1963: On the Genus Acer with Description of New Species. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.50, pp.65-69, pl.10.
遠藤 誠道 1963:カヘデ属について, 及び新種の記載.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.50, pp.65-69, pl.10.


ENDO, S. 1963: On the Genus Platanus from Hokkaido, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.52, pp.133-134, pl.20.
遠藤 誠道 1963:北海道産プラタヌス属について.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.52, pp.133-134, pl.20.


ENDO, S. 1963: On the genus Metasequoia. Journal of Obirin Jr. College, no.4, pp.9-14.
遠藤 誠道 1963:Metasequoiaについて.桜美林短期大学紀要, no.4, pp.9-14.

ENDO, S. 1964: The Climatic Conditions of the Eocene Woodwardia Zone, Ishikari Coalfield, Hokkaido, with Description of Ficus eowightiana Endo, n. sp. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol.40, no.6, pp.416-421.
遠藤 誠道 1964:


ENDO, S. 1964: Some older Tertiary plants from northern Thailand. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.34, nos.2-4, pp.177-179, pl.10.
遠藤 誠道 1964:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.34, nos.2-4, pp.177-179, pl.10.

ENDO, S. 1964: On the evolution of Cycadeoidea. Fossils (Kaseki), no.8, pp.83-86.
遠藤 誠道 1964:Cycadeoideaの進化について.化石, no.8, pp.83-86.

ENDO, S. 1966: On the Genus Tilia from the Woodwardia Zone of Hokkaido, with Description of Two New Species. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.61, pp.188-190, pl.23.
遠藤 誠道 1966:on the Genus Tilia from the Woodwardia Zone of Hokkaido, with Description of Two New Species.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.61, pp.188-190, pl.23.


ENDO, S. 1968: The Flora from the Eocene Woodwardia Formation, Ishikari Coal Field, Hokkaido, Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, vol.11, no.4, pp.411-449, pls.1-26.
遠藤 誠道 1968:国立科学博物館研究報告, vol.11, no.4, pp.411-449, pls.1-26.

ENDO, S. AND ET, A. 1955: Neogene Formations in the Nayoro Basin, .Hokkaido. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.61, no.718, p.332.
遠藤 誠道; 1955:地質学雑誌, vol.61, no.718, p.332.

ENDO, S. AND FUJIYAMA, I. 1966: Some late Mesozoic and late Tertiary plants and a fossil insect from Thailand. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol.37, nos.2-4, pp.191-194, pl.8.
遠藤 誠道; 1966:日本地質学地理学輯報, vol.37, nos.2-4, pp.191-194, pl.8.

ENDO, S. AND OKUTSU, H. 1936: A Neogene Species of Sassafras from Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.12, no.2, pp.47-49.
遠藤 誠道; 1936:帝国学士院紀事, vol.12, no.2, pp.47-49.


ENDO, S. AND OKUTSU, H. 1939: Fossil Cones of Balsam Fir from Sendai. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1939, no.15, pp.81-83.
遠藤 誠道・奥津 春生 1939:仙台産Abies属化石毬果.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1939, no.15, pp.81-83.


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