
Japan Paleobiology Database

Asano, Kiyoshi : Publication List

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ASANO, K. 1936: Pseudononion, a New Genus of Foraminifera found in Muraoka-mura, Kamakura-gori, Kanagawa Prefecture. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.43, no.512, pp.347-348.
浅野 清 1936:有孔虫一新属Pseudononion.地質学雑誌, vol.43, no.512, pp.347-348.


ASANO, K. 1936: Foraminifera from Muraoka-mura, Kamakura-gori Kanagawa Prefecture. (Studies on the Fossil Foraminifera from the Neogene of Japan., Part 1.). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.43, no.515, pp.603-614, pls.30-31.
浅野 清 1936:地質学雑誌, vol.43, no.515, pp.603-614, pls.30-31.


ASANO, K. 1936: Foraminifera from Kuromatunai-mura, Suttu-gun, Hokkido. (Studies on the Fossil Foraminifera from the Neogene of Japan., Part 2.). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.43, no.515, pp.615-622, pls.32-33.
浅野 清 1936:地質学雑誌, vol.43, no.515, pp.615-622, pls.32-33.


ASANO, K. 1936: New Species of Foraminifera from Aki-gun, Tosa Province, Japan. (Studies on the Fossil Foraminifera from the Neogene of Japan, Part 7.). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.43, no.519, pp.942-946.
浅野 清 1936:土佐國安藝郡産有孔虫の新種.地質学雑誌, vol.43, no.519, pp.942-946.


ASANO, K. 1936: Rotalidium, a New Genus of Foraminifera from the Pacific. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan, vol.12, no.10, pp.350-351.
浅野 清 1936:帝国学士院紀事, vol.12, no.10, pp.350-351.


ASANO, K. 1936: Pseudononion, a New Genus of Foraminifera found in Muraoka-mura, Kamakura-gori, Kanagawa Prefecture. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1936, no.3, pp.50-51.
浅野 清 1936:有孔虫一新属Pseudononion.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1936, no.3, pp.50-51.

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ASANO, K. 1936: New Species of Foraminifera from Aki-gun, Tosa Province, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1936, no.5, pp.126-130.
浅野 清 1936:土佐国安芸郡産有孔虫の新種; Studies on the Fossil Foraminifera from the Neogene of Japan, Part 7.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1936, no.5, pp.126-130.

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ASANO, K. 1937: Fossil Foraminifera from the Moniwa Shell Beds in the Vicinity of Sendai, Japan. With Descriptions of New Species. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.44, no.520, pp.28-35.
浅野 清 1937:仙台附近茂庭層の有孔虫化石.附 新種の記載(英文).地質学雑誌, vol.44, no.520, pp.28-35.


ASANO, K. 1937: A Pliocene Species of Elphidium from Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.44, no.527, pp.787-790, pl.24.
浅野 清 1937:日本産鮮新世Elphidiumの1新種.地質学雑誌, vol.44, no.527, pp.787-790, pl.24.


ASANO, K. 1937: Pleistocene Foraminifera from the Hiradoko Shell Beds, Noto Peninsula, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.44, no.531, pp.1231-1238.
浅野 清 1937:能登半島半床層の化石有孔虫類.地質学雑誌, vol.44, no.531, pp.1231-1238.


ASANO, K. 1937: A Pliocene Species of Elphidium from Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.8, pp.120-123.
浅野 清 1937:日本産鮮新世Elphidiumの1新種.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.8, pp.120-123.

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ASANO, K. 1937: Pleistocene Foraminifera from the Hiradoko Shell Beds, Noto Peninsula, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.9, pp.174-181.
浅野 清 1937:能登半島平床層の化石有孔虫類.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.9, pp.174-181.

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ASANO, K. 1938: Japanese fossil Nodosariidae, with notes on the Frondiculariidae. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.19, no.2, pp.179-220, pls.24-31.
浅野 清 1938:東北帝国大学理科報告.地質学, vol.19, no.2, pp.179-220, pls.24-31.


ASANO, K. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Elphidium and Its Allied Genera. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.45, no.538, pp.581-591, pl.14.
浅野 清 1938:日本産 Elphidium 属有孔虫.地質学雑誌, vol.45, no.538, pp.581-591, pl.14.


ASANO, K. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Nonion and Its Allied Genera. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.45, no.538, pp.592-599, pl.15.
浅野 清 1938:日本産 Nonion 属有孔虫.地質学雑誌, vol.45, no.538, pp.592-599, pl.15.


ASANO, K. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Bolivina and Its Allied Genera. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.45, no.538, pp.600-609, pl.16.
浅野 清 1938:日本産 Bolivina 属有孔虫.地質学雑誌, vol.45, no.538, pp.600-609, pl.16.


ASANO, K. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Uvigerina and Its Allied Genera. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.45, no.538, pp.609-618.
浅野 清 1938:日本産 Uvigerina 属有孔虫.地質学雑誌, vol.45, no.538, pp.609-618.


ASANO, K. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Elphidium and Its Allied Genera. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.47-57.
浅野 清 1938:日本産Elphidium属有孔虫.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.47-57.

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ASANO, K. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Nonion and Its Allied Genera. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.58-65.
浅野 清 1938:日本産Nonion属有孔虫.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.58-65.

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ASANO, K. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Bolivina and Its Allied Genera. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.66-75.
浅野 清 1938:日本産Bolivina属有孔虫.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.66-75.

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ASANO, K. 1938: On the Japanese Species of Uvigerina and Its Allied Genera. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.75-84.
浅野 清 1938:日本産Uvigerina属有孔虫.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1938, nos.11-12, pp.75-84.

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ASANO, K. 1939: New Species of Pliocene Foraminifera from Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.46, no.551, pp.413-427.
浅野 清 1939:秋田縣男鹿半島の化石有孔虫群.地質学雑誌, vol.46, no.551, pp.413-427.


ASANO, K. 1941: On Some Species of the Family Nodosariidae found in the Tertiary Formation of the Philippine Islands. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.49, no.586.
浅野 清 1941:地質学雑誌, vol.49, no.586.

ASANO, K. 1942: On Some Species of the Family Nodosariidae found in the Tertiary Formations of the Philippine Islands. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.49, no.586, pp.288-294.
浅野 清 1942:比律賓群島第三紀層ノドサリデ科の有孔虫類.地質学雑誌, vol.49, no.586, pp.288-294.


ASANO, K. 1942: On Some Species of the Family Nodosariidae found in the Tertiary Formations of the Philippine Islands. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1942, no.24, pp.165-171.
浅野 清 1942:比律賓群島第三紀層ノドサリデ科の有孔虫類.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1942, no.24, pp.165-171.


ASANO, K. 1942: Coral reef of the South Sea Islands. Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku Imperial University, no.39.
浅野 清 1942:南洋群島の珊瑚胡に就きて.東北帝国大学理学部地質学古生物学教室研究邦文報告, no.39.

ASANO, K. 1944: Hanzawaia, a New Genus of Foraminifera, from the Pliocene of Japan (Resume). Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.51, no.606, pp.97-99, pl.4.
浅野 清 1944:日本鮮新期有孔虫類の1新属 Hanzawaiaに就いて.地質学雑誌, vol.51, no.606, pp.97-99, pl.4.


ASANO, K. 1944: a New Genus of Foraminifera, from the Pliocene of Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.51, no.606.
浅野 清 1944:日本鮮新期有孔虫類の1新属.地質学雑誌, vol.51, no.606.

ASANO, K. 1944: Hanzawaia, a New Genus of Foraminifera, from the Pliocene of Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1944, no.29, pp.1-3.
浅野 清 1944:日本鮮新期有孔虫類の1新属Hanzawaiaに就いて.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1944, no.29, pp.1-3.


ASANO, K. 1947: Progress of the foraminiferal fossils and stratigraphy. Mineralogy and Geology, vol.1, no.5.
浅野 清 1947:有孔虫化石と暦位學の進歩.鉱物と地質, vol.1, no.5.

ASANO, K. 1948: Foraminiferal Zonation of the Wakimoto and Shibikawa Formations, Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture, as a Standard Subdivision of the Japanese Pliocene of the Borderland of the Japan Sea. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.54, nos.631-633.
浅野 清 1948:日本油田暦位學の基礎資料としての男鹿半島鮮新世化石有孔虫群.地質学雑誌, vol.54, nos.631-633.

ASANO, K. 1949: New Miocene Foraminifera from Japan. Journal of Paleontology, vol.23, no.4, pp.423-430.
浅野 清 1949:


ASANO, K. 1949: The Foraminiferal Genus Cruciloculina d'Orbigny, 1839. Journal of Paleontology, vol.23, no.5, pp.479-480.
浅野 清 1949:


ASANO, K. 1949: On the Miocene Forms of Cyclamina from the Japanese Oil-fields. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.55, no.640.
浅野 清 1949:日本産中新世Cyclaminaについて(豫報).地質学雑誌, vol.55, no.640.

ASANO, K. 1949: Foraminifera from the Asagai Formation (Tertiary) of Fukushima Pref., Japan. Journal of Paleontology, vol.23, no.5.
浅野 清 1949:

ASANO, K. 1950: Check list of Tertiary Smaller Foraminifera of Japan. Journal of Paleontology, vol.24, no.3.
浅野 清 1950:

ASANO, K. 1950: Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from Japan. Pacific Science, vol.4, no.2.
浅野 清 1950:

ASANO, K. 1950: Japanese Tertiary Species of Gaudryina and Gaudryinella. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.1.
浅野 清 1950:

ASANO, K. 1950: Cretaceous Foraminifera from Teshio, Hokkaido. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.2.
浅野 清 1950:

ASANO, K. 1950: Some Lituolidae from the Tertiary of Japan. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, vol.1, nos.3-4.
浅野 清 1950:

ASANO, K. 1951: Recent and Tertiary Cyclammina from Japan and the Adjacent Regions. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.3, pp.13-24.
浅野 清 1951:

ASANO, K. 1952: Foraminifera from the Miocene Takinoue Formation near Momijiyama, Hokkaido. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.4, pp.47-51.
浅野 清 1952:

ASANO, K. 1952: Paleogene Foraminifera from the Ishikari and Kushiro Coal-Fields, Hokkaido. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.4, pp.23-46.
浅野 清 1952:

ASANO, K. 1953: Miocene Foraminifera from the Shintotsugawa Area, Kabato-Gun, Hokkaido. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.10, pp.45-54.
浅野 清 1953:北海道樺戸郡新十津川地域の中新世有孔虫群.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.10, pp.45-54.


ASANO, K. 1953: Miocene Foraminifera from the Honya Shale, Jôban Coal-Field. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series, no.11, pp.55-59.
浅野 清 1953:常磐炭田本谷頁岩の有孔虫化石.日本古生物学会報告・紀事.新篇, no.11, pp.55-59.


ASANO, K. 1953: Miocene Foraminifera from the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.5, pp.1-21.
浅野 清 1953:

ASANO, K. 1953: On the Ecology and Environment for Foraminifers. Taisekigaku Kenkyu [Research on Sedimentology], no.3, pp.1-2.
浅野 清 1953:堆積学研究, no.3, pp.1-2.

ASANO, K. 1953: Basis of the Systematic Taxonomy. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.1, pp.31-49.
浅野 清 1953:有孔虫, no.1, pp.31-49.

ASANO, K. 1953: Oligocene Foraminifera from Utsunai, Tonbetsu-mura, North Hokkaido. Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, no.5, pp.22-24.
浅野 清 1953:

ASANO, K. 1954: Palaeontological Concept of Species and the Process of Speciation. Organic Evolution, Publication of the Japanese Society for the Study of Organic Evolution, vol.1, no.2, pp.35-41.
浅野 清 1954:生物進化, vol.1, no.2, pp.35-41.

ASANO, K. 1954: Introduction to the Paleoecology-Relationship between the Sedimentology and the Foraminiferal Studies. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.2, pp.13-45.
浅野 清 1954:有孔虫, no.2, pp.13-45.

ASANO, K. 1954: Foraminiferal Sequence in the Paleo-Ishikari Sea, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.60, no.701, pp.43-49.
浅野 清 1954:地質学雑誌, vol.60, no.701, pp.43-49.

ASANO, K. 1954: Studies on the Ecology and Sedimentation of Matsukawa-Ura. Preliminary Report. Taisekigaku Kenkyu [Research on Sedimentology], no.6, p.133.
浅野 清 1954:堆積学研究, no.6, p.133.

ASANO, K. 1954: Recent Advancement in the Foraminiferal Studies. Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku), no.16, pp.23-25.
浅野 清 1954:地球科学, no.16, pp.23-25.

ASANO, K. 1954: Some Problems on the Biostratigraphy. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.3, pp.16-51.
浅野 清 1954:有孔虫, no.3, pp.16-51.

ASANO, K. 1954: Quantitative and Qualitative Variation Detectable among Fossil Series. Organic Evolution, Publication of the Japanese Society for the Study of Organic Evolution, vol.2, no.1, pp.28-29.
浅野 清 1954:生物進化, vol.2, no.1, pp.28-29.

ASANO, K. 1955: Correlation between the Ishikari and Kushiro Coal-fields. Cenozoic Research, no.21, pp.428-430.
浅野 清 1955:新生代の研究, no.21, pp.428-430.

ASANO, K. 1955: Studies on the Ecology and Sedimentation of Matsukawa-Ura, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture (No. 1). General Remarks. Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, no.45, pp.1-4.
浅野 清 1955:東北大学理学部地質学古生物学教室研究邦文報告, no.45, pp.1-4.

ASANO, K. 1955: Recent Advancement on Coral-Reef Problem. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.61, no.715, pp.173-179.
浅野 清 1955:地質学雑誌, vol.61, no.715, pp.173-179.

ASANO, K. 1955: On the Extinction of Races of Organism. Organic Evolution, Publication of the Japanese Society for the Study of Organic Evolution, vol.2, no.4, pp.91-95.
浅野 清 1955:生物進化, vol.2, no.4, pp.91-95.

ASANO, K. 1955: Some Problems on the Biostratigraphy of the Tertiary System of Japan by Microfossil. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.4, pp.3-14.
浅野 清 1955:有孔虫, no.4, pp.3-14.

ASANO, K. 1955: Studies on the Ecology and Sedimentation of Matsukawa-Ura, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture. General Remarks (Conclusion). Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, no.146, pp.36-37.
浅野 清 1955:東北大学理学部地質学古生物学教室研究邦文報告, no.146, pp.36-37.

ASANO, K. 1956: The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S. S. Soyo-maru, 1922-1930. Part 1. Nodosariidae. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.27, pp.1-55.
浅野 清 1956:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.27, pp.1-55.

ASANO, K. 1956: The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S. S. Soyo-maru, 1922-1930. Part 2. Miliolidae. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.27, pp.57-83.
浅野 清 1956:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.27, pp.57-83.

ASANO, K. 1956: Paleogene Foraminifers of the Tappu District, Kodaita-mura, Rumoi-gun, Hokkaido (Preliminary Report). Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.5, pp.35-38.
浅野 清 1956:有孔虫, no.5, pp.35-38.

ASANO, K. 1957: Historical Development of the Geosyncline. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.7, pp.3-22.
浅野 清 1957:有孔虫, no.7, pp.3-22.

ASANO, K. 1957: Some Opinions to the SASA's Paper (1). Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.7, pp.38-40.
浅野 清 1957:有孔虫, no.7, pp.38-40.

ASANO, K. 1957: The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S. S. Soyo-maru, 1922-1930. Part 3. Planktonic Species. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.28, pp.1-26.
浅野 清 1957:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.28, pp.1-26.

ASANO, K. 1957: Foraminiferal Correlation in Japanese .Paleogene. In: Proceedings of the ninth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association, held at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, November 18th to December 9th, 1957, p.123.
浅野 清 1957:

ASANO, K. 1958: Poronai Formation of the Ishikari Coal-field (Preliminary Report). Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.9, pp.28-33.
浅野 清 1958:有孔虫, no.9, pp.28-33.

ASANO, K. 1958: The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S.S. Soyo-maru, 1922-1930. Part 4. Buliminidae. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.29, pp.1-41.
浅野 清 1958:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.29, pp.1-41.

ASANO, K. 1958: Some Paleogene Smaller Foraminifera from Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.29, pp.43-75.
浅野 清 1958:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.29, pp.43-75.

ASANO, K. 1959: "Cretaceous" Fossils from the Taneichi-machi District, Iwate Prefecture. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.10, p.92.
浅野 清 1959:有孔虫, no.10, p.92.

ASANO, K. 1960: Planktonic Foraminifer and the Tertiary Systems of Japan. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.11, pp.64-69.
浅野 清 1960:有孔虫, no.11, pp.64-69.

ASANO, K. 1960: The Foraminifera from the Adjacent Seas of Japan, collected by the S.S. Soyo-maru, 1922-1930. Part 5. Nonionidae. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, Special Volume, no.4, pp.189-201.
浅野 清 1960:東北大学理科報告.地質学.特別号, no.4, pp.189-201.

ASANO, K. 1962: Faunal change of planktonic Foraminifera through the Neogene of Japan. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B, Physical Sciences, vol.65, no.1, pp.1-16.
浅野 清 1962:

ASANO, K. 1962: Tertiary globigerinids from Kyushu, Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, Special Volume, no.5, pp.49-65, pls.19-23.
浅野 清 1962:東北大学理科報告.地質学.特別号, no.5, pp.49-65, pls.19-23.

ASANO, K. 1962: Japanese Paleogene from the view-point of Foraminifera with descriptions of several new species. Contributions from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Tohoku University, no.57, pp.1-32, pl.1.
浅野 清 1962:有孔虫化石群からみた日本の古第三系.東北大学理学部地質学古生物学教室研究邦文報告, no.57, pp.1-32, pl.1.

ASANO, K. 1968: Considerations on the Oligocene Series. Fossils (Kaseki), no.16, pp.18-24.
浅野 清 1968:漸新統論考.化石, no.16, pp.18-24.

ASANO, K. 1968: Considerations on the Pliocene Series. Fossils (Kaseki), no.16, pp.8-17.
浅野 清 1968:鮮新統論考.化石, no.16, pp.8-17.

ASANO, K. 1969: Considerations on the Globorotalia fohsi lineage. Fossils (Kaseki), no.17, pp.56-63.
浅野 清 1969:Globorotaliafohsi進化系列論考.化石, no.17, pp.56-63.

ASANO, K. 1969: On the natural history, recently revised. Fossils (Kaseki), no.17, pp.64-71.
浅野 清 1969:書きかえられる自然史体系.化石, no.17, pp.64-71.

ASANO, K. 1969: A condolence to Professor Hisakatsu; YABE. Fossils (Kaseki), no.18, pp.83-84.
浅野 清 1969:矢部長克先生への弔辞.化石, no.18, pp.83-84.

ASANO, K. 1969: Note on the collections of the population specimens. Natural Science and Museums, vol.36, nos.1-2, pp.32-38.
浅野 清 1969:集団標本コレクションの意義.自然科学と博物館, vol.36, nos.1-2, pp.32-38.

ASANO, K. 1973: Some problems on zonation and stage classification. Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan, no.8, pp.3-10.
浅野 清 1973:化石帯区分と地史区分にかんする諸問題.地質学論集, no.8, pp.3-10.

ASANO, K. 1973: On the localization and internationlization of zonation. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.79, no.8, pp.557-561.
浅野 清 1973:化石帯区分の地域性と国際性.地質学雑誌, vol.79, no.8, pp.557-561.

ASANO, K. 1978: My teachers. Fossils (Kaseki), no.28, pp.75-77.
浅野 清 1978:わたくしの先生.化石, no.28, pp.75-77.

ASANO, K. 1979: My friends. Fossils (Kaseki), no.29, pp.147-150.
浅野 清 1979:わたくしの交友録.化石, no.29, pp.147-150.

ASANO, K. 1979: My retirement. Fossils (Kaseki), no.29, pp.151-153.
浅野 清 1979:わたくしの停年.化石, no.29, pp.151-153.

ASANO, K. AND ET, A. 1957: Fossil Faunas in the Green Tuff Area. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.63, no.742, pp.408-409.
浅野 清; 1957:地質学雑誌, vol.63, no.742, pp.408-409.

ASANO, K. AND ET, A. 1959: Cretaceous System in the Kuji District. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol.65, no.766, p.424.
浅野 清; 1959:地質学雑誌, vol.65, no.766, p.424.

ASANO, K., INGLE, J. C. J. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1968: Origin and development of Globigerina quinqueloba NATLAND in the North Pacific. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.39, no.3, pp.213-241.
浅野 清; 1968:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.39, no.3, pp.213-241.

ASANO, K., INGLE, J. C. J. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1968: Globigerina quinqueloba NATLAND; origin and distribution in Late Cenozoic of the North Pacific. Giornale di Geologia. Serie 2a, vol.35, no.2, pp.217-246.
浅野 清; 1968:

ASANO, K. AND IWAMOTO, H. 1957: Poronai Foraminiferal Fauna of the Western Part of Miruto, Iwami-zawa District. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.8, pp.55-58.
浅野 清; 1957:有孔虫, no.8, pp.55-58.

ASANO, K. AND KANAYA, T. 1964: Comments on the microfossils from the Neogene Tertiary of Japan. Fossils (Kaseki), no.7, pp.3-8.
浅野 清; 1964:ミクロ化石の資料.化石, no.7, pp.3-8.

ASANO, K., KANAYA, T., SHUTO, T. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1965: Record on the paleontological reconnaissance work of the Philippines, 1964. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.37, no.1, pp.79-87.
浅野 清; 1965:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.37, no.1, pp.79-87.

ASANO, K. AND MURATA, S. 1956: Palcogene Foraminifers from Okino-shima and Iwo-jima. Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.5, pp.39-43.
浅野 清; 1956:有孔虫, no.5, pp.39-43.

ASANO, K. AND MURATA, S. 1956: Paleogene Feraminifers from the Karatsu Coal-field (Preliminary Report). Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.5, pp.44-48.
浅野 清; 1956:有孔虫, no.5, pp.44-48.

ASANO, K. AND MURATA, S. 1957: Foraminiferal Fossils from the Ashiya Group, Kyushu (Preliminary Report). Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.7, pp.28-31.
浅野 清; 1957:有孔虫, no.7, pp.28-31.

ASANO, K. AND MURATA, S. 1957: Paleocene Foraminifers from Amakusa, Kyushu (Preliminary Report). Foraminifera (Yukotyu), no.7, pp.23-27.
浅野 清; 1957:有孔虫, no.7, pp.23-27.

ASANO, K. AND NAKAMURA, M. 1937: On the Distribution of the Japanese Species of Cassidulina. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, vol.1937, no.7, pp.42-49.
浅野 清・中村 正義 1937:日本産Cassidulina属有孔虫の分布に就いて (予報.日本古生物学会報告・紀事, vol.1937, no.7, pp.42-49.


ASANO, K. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1965: Stratigrafic significance of the planktonic Foraminifera from Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University, 2nd Series, Geology, vol.37, no.1, pp.1-14.
浅野 清; 1965:東北大学理科報告.地質学, vol.37, no.1, pp.1-14.

ASANO, K. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1972: Recent progress of microbiostratigraphy and related sciences. Journal of the Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology, vol.37, no.7, p.370.
浅野 清; 1972:最近の微化石層位学および科学の進歩.石油技術協会誌, vol.37, no.7, p.370.

ASANO, K. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1972: Late Cenozoic planktonic Foraminifera 1 (Globigerina). Atlas of Japanese fossils, vol.21, no.121. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo.
浅野 清; 1972:後期新生代の浮遊性有孔虫化石1(Globigerina).日本化石集, vol.21, no.121. 築地書館,東京.

ASANO, K. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1972: Late Cenozoic planktonic Foraminifera 2 (Globigerina, Globigerinoides). Atlas of Japanese fossils, vol.21, no.122. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo.
浅野 清; 1972:後期新生代の浮遊性有孔虫化石2(Globigerina, Globigerinoides).日本化石集, vol.21, no.122. 築地書館,東京.

ASANO, K. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1972: Late Cenozoic planktonic Foraminifera 3 (Globigerinita, Globigerinatella, Praeorbulina, Orbulina). Atlas of Japanese fossils, vol.21, no.123. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo.
浅野 清; 1972:後期新生代の浮遊性有孔虫化石3(Globigerinita, Globigerinatella, Praeorbulina, Orbulina).日本化石集, vol.21, no.123. 築地書館,東京.

ASANO, K. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1972: Late Cenozoic planktonic Foraminifera 4 (Sphaeroidinellopsis, Sphaeroidinella, Globoquadrina, Globorotalia). Atlas of Japanese fossils, vol.21, no.124. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo.
浅野 清; 1972:後期新生代の浮遊性有孔虫化石4(Sphaeroidinellopsis, Sphaeroidinella, Globoquadrina, Globorotalia).日本化石集, vol.21, no.124. 築地書館,東京.

ASANO, K. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1972: Late Cenozoic planktonic Foraminifera 5 (Globorotalia). Atlas of Japanese fossils, vol.21, no.125. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo.
浅野 清; 1972:後期新生代の浮遊性有孔虫化石5(Globorotalia).日本化石集, vol.21, no.125. 築地書館,東京.

ASANO, K. AND TAKAYANAGI, Y. 1972: Late Cenozoic planktonic Foraminifera 6 (Globorotalia, Turborotalita, Globorotaloides, Pulleniatina). Atlas of Japanese fossils, vol.21, no.126. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo.
浅野 清; 1972:後期新生代の浮遊性有孔虫化石6(Globorotalia, Turborotalita, Globorotaloides, Pulleniatina).日本化石集, vol.21, no.126. 築地書館,東京.

109 matching. Displaying 1 - 109

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